17 Comments to “Penthouse: War In Life Episode 3

  1. Too bad, I won’t watch again, I can’t sleep at night, they should stop fliming this drama

    1. What a stupid comment, they won’t stop filming just because a ridicolous person want it…..keep dreaming

  2. Every character in this show is trash except one or two good ones. The acting is pretty shithouse wtf am i even watching surprised I even got this far.

    1. shut up unless you can act better lmao this show is popular for a reason and you’re entitled to your own irreleant opinion

      1. Popularity does not indicate value. Things are popular because people have inferiority complexes and will watch anything that their friends watch. Also, this show is not that popular anyway.

    2. shut up unless you can act better lmao no ones forcing you to watch it so just piss off if u dont like it

  3. This drama is so Intense,disturbing actually, But still very engroosing, apart from that please can we talk about Dan tae and Seo jin!! They are really Reincarnation of Evil. Seen till now like 4 episodes, and m thinking now should i watch more…give my brain ? more suffering ?

      1. Nobody wants to see your shitty comment either weirdo, don’t go snooping in the comments if you can’t take criticism not that its even aimed at u lol chill out snowflake

  4. This drama really give trust issues lol, but I really want to kill all the kids and there parents like how the fuck they can be so cruel, their is no humanity in them, btw I so for fall in love with this drama and those shitty people who don’t like must go to hell

  5. This drama really give me trust issues lol, but I really want to kill all the kids and there parents like how the fuck they can be so cruel, their is no humanity in them, btw I so far fall in love with this drama and those shitty people who don’t like must go to hell

  6. This drama really give me trust issues lol, but I really want to kill all the kids and there parents like how the fuck they can be so cruel, their is no humanity in them, btw I so far fall in love with this drama and those shitty people who don’t like must go to hell bloody shitty people

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