No Gain, No Love (2024) Episode 12

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27 Comments to “No Gain, No Love (2024) Episode 12

  1. Tae Hyeong you’re a redeemed man in my books. Director’s choice to make the other partner faceless in this poly relationship was a wise one. Great drama… yada yada yada… bye

  2. Such a comfort’s the only drama this year among all the romcom i have watched which truly live up to It’s genre..mina & youngdae really surprised me with their chemistry..i will cherish & re watch it some time in future..goodbye ngnl with happy & satisfied heart..❤️

  3. Such a fun rom-com with loads of laughs. loved it. ❤️😍 Every character nailed their role, and I’m really going to miss them next week. 😢😢 Props to the scriptwriter and director for bringing in some fresh, funny comic moments, even during the serious scenes. What a great ride. 😁😁
    Product placement in these dramas is getting wild.🤣 They couldn’t resist slipping in that beer can scene in the last 10 minutes. 😏


  5. Happy ending ❤️❤️😍…. Everyone gets justice in this drama …and again second couple overpowered main couple…I love them …I want more …just about them dating… wedding family meet-up….I want to see all that …
    41:36 Wattpad girls after reading some Wattpad story ..😅🤣🤣🤣

    i didn’t expect ceo will against the relationship…dude you just go and do gardening… their is no need of you nither in company nor in house …. And suprise to see a big yes from mother ..🤭

    the meeting bw ceo and FL for investment is hilarious..🤣🤣🤣

    what I am gona watch now..!!?🥺

  6. my only question is, where did he go??? he was a leech, not ready to let Hae yeong go, was ready to get divorced, was even getting annoyed that his wife tells him everything to do, the wife even knew that he dated Hae yeong, what happened to all of this???? like, all of a sudden he’s out of the picture, no closure with Hae yeong and even with his own wife….

  7. m so glad it was a happy ending for everyone, specially for the second lead couple, so many people said that they aren’t gonna be together in this drama and that’s y they’ll get a spin-off, but I wanted them to end up together here as well, thank u writenim 🙏🙏

    can’t wait for the spin off now, loved them throughout 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. Gosh these scenes were so hard to watch, it instantly took me to the time when my mum passed away, it was like m reliving all those moments all over again 😢😢😢😢😢

  9. When my dad passed I was so busy making sure my mom was doing ok. She had health issues so I had to make sure she was ok before I left. I didn’t get to mourn at the time. When my mom passed I was busy making sure my daughter was set before I flew out. I didn’t get a chance to mourn because I was getting everything ready. I separated from my ex husband at the same time so I didn’t have a spouse for support. Watching them prepare the memorial service reminded me of this. So many times we don’t get to mourn immediately.

  10. Ja-Yeon deserves all the happiness ❤❤❤

    Can’t wait for their spinoff episodes next week 🥺🥺

  11. Na saying this on a serious note… Aren’t we getting a season 2???? We demand a SEASON 2 ASAP!!!!!

  12. I saw it on Prime before but I came here to comment with everyone. 😉
    Good ending! Good drama! They grow and move forward.
    Each one has their own glown up, I love the second couple!

    Good script and actors! 10/10

  13. One word BRILLIANT👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!! I want a second season of this drama😩😩!! They need to make a second season. I don’t remember when I saw a drama where all the characters were written this well (if you haven’t seen it I recommend Twinkling Watermelon, another perfectly written drama). I cried, laughed, cheered… The ending was the cherry on top❤️, it sublimated all the feelings that were manifested during these 12 episodes. I don’t know which couple I liked better, I would watch a drama with either of these couples as the leads. It would be interesting to see the progression of their relationships and that’s why I sincerely hope for a sequel. Congratulations to the whole team.

  14. it’s gonna be meh favorite drama of the year and 🥲seems like everyone is falling in love and I’m falling behind. I’mma die single 🥲 at this point cos of meh standards.
    i love both…. The 1st and 2nd leads couples haaaaaa what will I watch now loll

  15. Can’t believe this lovely drama ended already . I surely will miss it.
    The part I liked most about this drama is 1st,not dragging the plot unnecessarily and 2nd, giving us true comedic relief even in the most serious scenes !!. They could easily make a 16 ep drama with this same story. Glad they didn’t. this made me love the drama more!

    Although I really wanted to see the other 2 sisters marriage, but I’m just happy with the ending. It was perfect honestly! And the the sequel!!!! We probably will get to see 2nd leads marriage if we’re lucky haha. 🥹

    Will give 9.5/10 🥹🫶

  16. NO GAIN, NO LOVE…AND here I’ve gained and loved indeed
    This drama was my Guilty Pleasure that even now, I’m laughing at some of the silliness and antics of our characters 🤣 😂
    How can this fun-filled comedy also be full of some food for thought moments…
    That statement about kids who throw tantrums know that nomatter what they will not be abandoned was my food for thought scene. That’s sooo true cause the moment I was very very hurt, NO tears came out…Why? Because I had gotten used to it and I knew even if I throw a tantrum it would be pointless…sigh And the irony is, I actually dropped a tear on that scene now…such is life.
    Anywho, I adore all our cast cause boi oh boi, they delivered. I laughed and laughed until my stomach hurt….
    And let’s just say, Dildos are the new magic wand and weapon of choice😆😆😆

  17. Son hyeyoung is Love😍. She is my favourite and best FL. I seriously can’t find any fault in her. Kim jiuk is also very sweet.
    every character were great. This is perfect romcom with great acting and with lots of cameos too lol.

    Just hated one thing that that bitch ahn woojae had his happy ending too tsk

    now waiting for this

  18. Did someone else feel that they have heard the NGNL OST Someday by Kassy before? I tried humming to Google, but it did not recognize my tone deaf singing.

    Tried hard and remembered a song, not entirely sure if I found the right one. Beyond My Dreams by sunwoojunga for Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo.

  19. Aww my monday-tuesday comfort drama just ended 😭 I’ll miss this so much!!

    Looking forward for the spin-off series of Writer Yeon Bora and CEO Bok Gyu!!

  20. This wonderful Rom-com has come to an end. I’ll miss waiting for it every monday-tuesday, having a big-fat smile on my face throughout, and I must say I enjoyed every bit of it 💕 I’m glad they tied up each of the couples’ story wonderfully, giving them a happy ending (though they didn’t have to give us that momentary breakup for the leads because I was waiting to see them all lovey-dovey one last time.)

    I liked the addition of having all of her foster kids attend Son Hae Young’s mother’s funeral to send her off. They were a big part of her life and vice versa. That entire scene was heartwarming despite being a sad event ❣️

    The series is completed but I’ll be back for the 2nd lead couple’s spin-off “Spice up Our love” on oct. 3rd. They were cutie pies here but I heard things are gonna spice up for them in the spin-off so, looking forward to that 😘🔥

  21. Son Hae Young will be my favourite kdrama female lead. Ji Uk was cute. (The glow up he got in the end 😍)
    If not for the little separation at the end they were most mature kdrama couple, also cute❤️

    Bok Gyu and Ja Yeon were sweet🩷 Will see them soon on Oct 3 for Spicy❤️‍🔥

    Best Trio/Duos: Sister Trio; Bok Gyu-Ha Jun; Manager Jang-Ji Uk; Bok Gyu-Ji Uk;
    Best Action Scene Award goes to Bruno, Chris and Bok Gyu battling a murd*r attempt. Still not over it.

    Not the best last episode. A little rushed. Wish there was little more of main leads.

    Did not have any expectation for this drama when I started. But 💯 for the Entertainment they provided. Episode 2-8 were ultimate fun. They made me cry, but they gave the best laugh.
    Will miss them all🥹 This one goes to my top 10.

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