The Brave Yong Soo Jung (2024) Episode 58

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6 Comments to “The Brave Yong Soo Jung (2024) Episode 58

  1. By now SJ and EJ should have thought about putting a camera in the hospital room or have a security guard. EJ’s mom should tell SJ and EJ about what happened why she has to pretend she can’t talk and then talk to the bad guy. smh. She will bring them down and keep silent out of fear. smh. Wonder if she was a weak woman even before the accident of the past.

  2. Wow… de apple really doh fall far from de tree…. no wonder Ms. Choi is the way she is because she has two parents who would willingly commit murder.. Su Jeong really didn’t think that one through because that was obviously a trap… smh… poor papa Yang because once they know he up, alive and well is another attempt on his life…

  3. I really want new love line for UJ. It’s not too late to introduce one. SJ character is so boring and her love story with WJ is so pathetic. I don’t see any emotional connection at all btw them. But idc. They can hook up or patch up or have an affair. I just don’t want UJ to get hurt. Please sister zone her and find someone else please. In regards of romantic relationship, he deserves someone better than SJ. She is way too much involved with WJ. Also UJ, WJ being siblings already a big red flag.

  4. I knew the bracelet would end up with HM. The writer did the same thing in the 3rd Husband with the mobile phone…
    I love WJ’s stance: he declared he won’t accept HR’s mother, as it’s enough to deal with HR and he would go until the engagement (and will break it).

  5. Hye Ra falls for Su Jeong’s trap, but she feigns ignorance. Su Jeong discovers the deal Eui Ju made with Jae Rim and decides to distance herself from Eui Ju. Eui Ju puts Hye Ra on edge by asking seemingly innocent questions. Hye Ra is upset by Woo Jin’s attitude toward the engagement and her mom. Eui Ju’s mom left the hospital with her son and SJ left her dad at hospital after receiving a call. She entered the elevator and got stuck inside without service in her phone. All planned by Hye Na’s dad.

    PREVIEW : SJ dad regains consciousness and left the hospital looking for Hye Na. SJ still in the elevator and EJ found out. WJ saw SJ’s dad and he dragged him inside when he saw Hye Ra.

  6. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️gal shouldn’t u ask ej to watch ur dad???

    Wn hit n run can hppn in open space, she should’ve learnt her lesson.

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