The Brave Yong Soo Jung (2024) Episode 107

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4 Comments to “The Brave Yong Soo Jung (2024) Episode 107

  1. why the hell they argue over a treatment ,
    – not old so he can say well i lived a long live and i`m to tired.
    – not poor so he can say can`t afford that might as well live whatever i have left to my fullest.
    hate this fucking trope for young guys with money.not to mention the longer he postpones the worse it gets.


    SJ asks UJ to promise that no matter what the doctor says, UJ will be treated. UJ tells her that he is afraid of the effects he will experience later. SJ also cries and is sad. SJ still takes UJ to the hospital.

    They meet the doctor. The doctor says that surgery will be risky. SJ relies on the doctor and his expertise. The nurse comes to take care of UJ.

    MKH is upset because the doctor suggested that she see a psychiatrist. WJ assures her not to worry. She asks WJ to reschedule the meeting. She sees JMC sitting in her chair…. She asks, WJ says he hasn’t been able to contact Mr. Na. WJ says he is trying to find JMC. The police haven’t caught JMC yet. He heard that JMC was seen in Incheon, maybe he is hiding in another country.

    MKH wants to go home, he asks WJ to take care of and run her important matters.
    HR peeks as WJ walks with MKH. HR remembers her conversation with MCY. MCY says that the directors suggested changing the chairwoman. UJ and SJ are silent. UJ and SJ live with KMY and KJS. HR immediately suspects that they moved out of Grandma’s house.

    UJ is sleeping. SJ remembers when she begged the doctor for help. SJ swears that she will make UJ better. WJ contacts UJ.

    HR follows WJ who leaves. WJ is relieved that SJ managed to persuade UJ. SJ doesn’t want to go home because LYA will be suspicious later. SJ will tell WJ about the test results later. SJ asks WJ to also convince UJ. WJ will help in any way. SJ just focuses on UJ, he will handle everything.

    HR eavesdrops on SJ and WJ’s conversation. She realizes that they are silent because UJ is sick.
    HR tells JMC about MKH’s condition. There are only WJ and MKH at home. UJ is sick.

    GHY is upset because HR is keeping secrets. HR tells her that UJ is a cancer patient. She feels that SJ is using UJ as an excuse to attack WJ. GHY denies it, there’s no way that will happen. HR has a bad feeling about it…. (HR is full of delusions…. LOL).

    UJ promises to be the strongest patient in the world. UJ hopes that SJ will not give up in order to protect him. UJ promises that if he returns, they will work hard to catch and capture MKH.
    HR peeks as UJ is about to do the test. HR is sure that UJ’s condition is quite serious.

    WJ serves MKH. WJ asks MKH to sign a document. MKH’s vision is blurry even though she is wearing glasses. The document is a power of attorney for the transfer of shares from MKH to WJ.
    WJ asks MKH to rest. He smiles when he sees the document.

    SJ remembers the doctor’s words. UJ must eat and rest well. SJ asks UJ to tell her if anything is sick.
    SJ makes a video call with LYA and JHM. SJ lies that they are visiting the island to see the beach. UJ is going to the toilet. They will go home tonight.
    JHM is very enthusiastic because later they will go together.

    MKH wakes up but her vision is blurry. JMC enters the house. JMC is shocked when he sees MKH coming out of the room. MKH is shocked when she sees JMC’s presence. MKH is confused when she hears JMC’s voice. MKH asks him to go away, he is not real, stay away from her. MKH immediately goes into the room. JMC is confused, what happened to MKH.

    They are relieved when WJ brings seashells and the island’s specialties food.
    JHM is very happy to receive seashells. LYA thanks them and invites them to eat together.
    SJ is worried because UJ eats a lot. UJ says he feels fine, SJ don’t worry.

    At the end of the episode, UJ feels pain. SJ wakes up, she peeks when UJ is in very sick. SJ cries seeing UJ’s condition, she holds herself back so that UJ doesn’t find out about her whereabouts….

    Next, MKH walks alone in the office…. JMC meets MKH in the room and says WJ did this to her. He will protect MKH. He will turn things back to how they were…. WJ says he thinks JMC is on the move. He gives MKH’s secret account a nudge…. UJ says she seem to be up to something, but she is leaving him out. He’s worried he’ll become practically useless to her…. WJ is checking the ledger. MKH asks WJ to open the door right now….

  3. Maybe added eps at this… Well is so interesting and full of suspance so you can add some eps.


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