5 Comments to “Penthouse: War In Life Episode 18

  1. im pilipino viewer i watch all the ep from 1 to 18, are very exciting and i feel so sad about the story.

  2. i am hating this drama right now. why the hell is that women getting with that ceo. she must not make her daughter step sister of her own boyfreind. man……………………………………………………………

      1. I mean first of all she doesn’t know her daughter is dating and secondly she killed her friend’s daughter so right now she isn’t stable enought to not use him as a shield I know it’s immoral to do such things but if it’s for your kid you’d do anything If her friend finds out about her murduring Min Soul A she’d probably make her go to jail and imagine what Bo Ra would feel and do if she finds out. I honestly think her character is well written for a villian because she has a motive that isn’t just “oh I hate her let me risk my whole future so I can ruin her life” instead she does it for her daughter but to be honest I want her to come clean well at this point I think it’s kinda impossible she has always been discriminated against and now she has a chance of changing things so I think her going to jail or amending for her sins won’t happen for a while I do think she is a good person but for now she is only focusing on her daughter and getting her to graduate with honors so she can be at piece. lt’s understandable to be doing these things in my opinion I did hate her for a moment when she wore that black dress thought well but it did look good on her so meh

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