10 Comments to “My Boss (2024) Episode 18

  1. What sets this ML apart from other cold good looking CEOs is that when he is angry, it’s really scary.

    This slow burn romance. I can’t wait for it to start soon.

  2. why cant she act like a lawyer to her ex husband? It’s frustrating.
    and the FL – gurl, you are a lawyer already. why does she act like she is still in school.
    CXX, pray for me…

  3. Will he finally admit that he like her ? Their is nothing wrong in falling in love, they are not related in anyway so who care ?!

  4. Qian has repeatedly told her to not have any “ideas” about him, he’s the one that’s obviously into her and she’s left with mixed signals…is she important to him as more than a subordinate or not? She keeps thinking she has to stomp on any affection she has towards him and stuff it all down so he doesn’t get fed up with “unwanted” attention from her, meanwhile he’s still struggling with figuring out his own feelings.

  5. I wonder if they will use the lurking sexual harasser that’s still out there to get them to finally speak the truth about their feelings towards eachother… ?

    I can understand why she reacts that way. What does he expect? She IS his subordinate. That IS his mother. The other women he had in her position WERE fired. He had always made her to feel lesser and not up to his standards for anything. He had his moment when he was with her in the aquarium and he blurted out how important she was to him. He had his moment when her parents came. He could have used that to say “well actually, I do want you to be my girlfriend…” (or something worded better haha). It’s very mixed messages for her and she is trying her hardest to keep it professional and not mix her feelings up with work.

    Anyway… here we wait for the next episodes…

  6. Qian is so angry knowing FL does nt like him…..he is behaving like an angry child…..hope their misunderstanding is cleared!! the Mom trying to bring them together s backfiring lolz

  7. One can misunderstand that Qian, Yao2 are a cp already. I mean they live together, she cooks for him (more like a feast if ya ask me) and the dishes are like chef prepared too.

    This hot and cold act by Qian is wearing me out.? I don’t get why he’s so upset? It seems like he didn’t like how Yao2 pry into his personal affairs? When really it’s his mom that’s causing the unnecessary squabble..? the mom should just leave them be to work it out themselves.

    Also ? Yao2 with her over the top reactions is almost like watchin’ a live action anime character.? There’s like 18 more ep. to go.??‍♀️?

  8. Arghh the miscommunications in these dramas always get me so frustrated! Hope they clear them up soon. ?

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