15 Comments to “My Boss (2024) Episode 15

  1. He’s doing mental gymnastics to justify that his level of care and concern for her is totally just a normal employee level and not anything else.
    I really hope the writers hit him over the head with a brick of understanding where the pieces all line up and he’s like oooooh, I like her in THAT way! ?

  2. That was a full beautiful episode, the me time for the two of them…tell me that going on date and not putting a name to it..? is the trend in this episode
    nice one??

  3. I no longer know what the plot of this drama is or care, all I know is I’m falling in love lol ? ?.

  4. Bro need a chill pill, like he isnt wrong but there is way of saying thing even if you are right

  5. What with these so called professional lawyer always trying to act cute…
    Why CDramas shows their female actress as dumb eating, thinking making faces and profession will be the one which require high attention and all sort of smartness.

  6. I just can’t feel any chemistry between the leads. It doesn’t help that I’m watching Our Interpreter, which is better and the leads have more chemistry.

  7. Ha-ha Qian got caught in his own trap. Yao2 now keeps audio recordings for evidence.? His reaction when she missed all her targets.? And the stuff pillow emoji look exactly ? like Qian!?????

    It’s ok Yao2 I suck at rides too. I wish I could ride coolly like Qian though. Ooo… was tht a confession fr Qian..??

  8. Is it just me or it seems like the Pizza Hut in China is fancy cause here in the UK it ain’t like that. I was so surprised when their food came out in fancy looking plates and even the setting for just a pizza place lol??

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