13 Comments to “My Boss (2024) Episode 14

  1. YES!! Love that he was willing to fight for her aww I am certain now that hes in love! cause he is clearly been in protection mode a while now!

  2. What a powerful left hook and then taking off his jacket to get down to business? ?. I give this the ‘most satisfactory’ beating scene award, lol.

  3. …And he did NOT deny it when he was told by the ‘predator’ that ‘I din’t know she is your girlfriend..’
    He said nothing, I mean he said nothing to that effect…??

  4. min 41:29 I don’t know why but this look makes men look extra hot.
    In her defense, she thought she was meeting his assistant and not him, what a creepy man ew, and to think gross men like that exist in real life and poor women have to work with them or for them, what torture that must be. Always remember to get evidence of everything.

  5. Him stalking into that room, taking off his jacket and beating that subhuman piece of shit half way into next week…very satisfying!

  6. I think a lot of people will look at how she tried to downplay it and will push the blame more on her, but sadly that’s how a lot of women are taught by their parents, teachers, and their employers…that if she escaped it, then it’s “not that bad” so just shush up about it and “don’t cry because you are the one that got yourself into that situation”…when the blame is 1000% that predator’s fault.

  7. Ugh. He warned you!! Anyone with half a brain cell would have seen through that trick. But, I guess these things do actually happen, so I won’t go blaming the victim…

    Ok. That was hawt… like ? He beat that sexpred good!

    He wasn’t wrong, either, when she was being lectured by him. She got lucky. It could have been really bad and as a woman, unfortunately, we are always at a disadvantage.

  8. Just finished the episode and omg can this not be any sillier that silly. This is an adolescent, not a lawyer which assumption would be in her late twenties maybe character wise. The way she looked at him when he grabbed her hand to leave that predators place was like an expression of a….horrible acting. I’m all for cutesy if acting goes with it. Beautiful she is but acting is embarrassing. It’s not all on her, it goes with the script?

  9. That girl is so stupid, geez. Her facial expressions and head movements are super annoying.

  10. Okay I’m nitpicking but can our girl not hold her case like that. She looks like she’s holding school books while clutching on her briefcase for dear life. Can her hairstyle be prepped to look professional a bit. Just saying but I’m still gonna finish.

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