Marry My Husband (2024) Episode 7

88 Comments to “Marry My Husband (2024) Episode 7

  1. waa that bitch Su Min really gettin on my nerve just seeing her drinking the milk I feel like slap her 300 times already..! The POV of Ji Won about not getting help from others after listen to Su Min bullshit about get help from other for everything you want really on point to be the reason why she not getting help because don’t want to be like her. Honestly, because of hatred I would also act like that. But in logically view, she is dumb! Hope she realize is faster and use her dad ‘allowance’.

    Anddd, I just watch the latest 2D1N episode few minutes before this episode, where In Woo shouting like madman over there, what d heck he is so damn calm hereeeee! hahahahaha!!! The last scene in the water, he must be saying no problem, I’ve dive during winter multiples time this is small matter! lol!! Good job Na In Woo!!!

  2. Danggg the last scene, i thought he was gonna kiss her
    also Mr. Lee guy and Ms. Yang ? the flashback… i think they changed her love interest into him instead of the younger guy like in the webtoon
    yay also Huiyeon & EunHo met <3333
    also i hate how scary and manipulative Sumin is here compared to the webtoon, the way she sneaks to FLs desk and see what she was looking at the computer ?
    i really hope Sumin stays dumb and dont catch on FLs revenge plan since FLs attitude/demeanor towards Sumin & Minhwan changed a lot

  3. she can’t do everything alone no one can, her fairy godfather…father wouldn’t have sent the ml back then, and su min can’t be used as a reference point for literally anything

  4. I really didn’t know that Inwoo could do this kind of role, I mean those last few minutes trying to contain his emotions, wooow, I even felt like I had to stop breathing… I’m used to seeing the silly and funny side of him in 1 night 2 days but here he really got me ?

  5. “she is wrong”
    “i am right”
    “i wíll not follow her way” ??
    stubborn in right understanding is truly deserve respect

  6. Fl’s so called other half is getting on my nerves!!!! She is such a great actress that I hate her so much!!

  7. Congrats to the men and women behind this production… a 9.4 rating is the highest so far in this series. Let’s make it a double digit tonight, chingus!?


  9. Maybe she should help Su-min become successful and the the greedy boyfriend will move on naturally. He just wants her for her ability to work and make money so he can sponge off her. Him and he rotten mom. Su-min deserves that kind of guy.

  10. this story is so vanilla and slow, idk how u guys like it though. female lead is so dense. bye

  11. i’m so disappointed that they didnt show their reaction of what happened at the end of previous episode at the beginning of this episode. skipped straight to night time even tho last episode ended during sunset/evening.

  12. My dumbass didn’t understand that weird ending and dialogue. What did they meant? Solid land what? Lmao ? can someone explain ?

  13. I think the ML’s accident in the future is sus and I hope he can figure out how to avoid it…but I can tell that he’s reluctant to do so because if he doesn’t have the accident and die then that means someone else has to and as far as we can tell at this point in the drama, he doesn’t have any enemies yet.

  14. I somehow feel his time didn’t end yet & he still has a chance to be in her happiness.

  15. In Woo should get best actor because how he is on 2D1N is way too contrast from his roles.
    You see most actors are pretty much like their normal selves but not In Woo, how can he not win acting awards every time? Isn’t that the essence of acting? Roleplaying someone who is not you?

  16. Wow, just finished Welcome to Samdalri , one of the best dramas in 2023/24. What made it great was amazing actors which totally had everyone emersed. This drama is good but ,it lacks a male lead who can pull it off. Poor Park Min Young, she really gave it a good performance.

  17. My girl Song Ha-Yoon portrayal of Soo-Min is perfect. She makes Jiwon look like an angel while she keeps digging her hole through her lies and manipulation.

  18. Jiwon baby sometimes being independent and wanting to do things all on your own isn’t the best. You need people, who love you, around and it’s okay to get help??

    I like this low drawn-out revenge, the satisfaction at the end would be through the roof.

  19. I think she is focusing too much on Min-Hwa and thinking Su-Min would just fall into place. I think she should keep a closer eye on Su-Min, she tends to manipulate things from behind the scenes and that makes her dangerous. And why do people think minimizing their screen is all it needs. seriously lock your computers!!!

  20. The revenge is coming!!!!!
    Everytime SM shows up, gosh I hate her lol. Both of them r trash lol.if his fate is inevitable, he’s going to die?!? but after reading you webtoon readers comments, i have my hopes up hehe. This is why i love reading comments here lol. Ms. Yang’s love interest?? HYxEH ships are forming!!?❤️ and our lead couple!!

  21. When you’re really expecting that kiss but realize it’s typically not scheduled until episode 8 or 9 in a k-drama…

  22. anyone else notice that the dad in the taxi with jihyuk was listening to ‘amor fati’ (fated love) ? foreshadowing ??? ??‍♀️?

  23. The comment section has everyone talking about all the budding romances. But I’m more worried about the deaths. FL’s death were accidental, due to the cheating couple. But ML? seems sus to me. Especially when he’s the heir to a big company, had talks about marriage to another person that all that we know is that, her family has to be well to do. Besides, the grandfather’s assistant seemed to either had beef with ML, or may be family? And, I suspect sumin might have a hidden boss behind her? Because she seemed well to do when she was otw to FL’s husband to cheat on her. ML’s death smells like a plotted accident to me.

  24. Ehhh..if I read one more comment trashing our ML I will flip out! Seriously, the man is truly remarkable, simply gorgeous, possessing all good qualities, charm, sophistication, and everything one could desire in a partner, regardless of gender. Would you prefer him to have a split personality or exhibit some level of toxicity to make him more intriguing or interesting? However, he is simply a decent, kind-hearted individual who is providing unwavering love and support during these rather unusual circumstances. He is genuinely so lovely! How can anyone possibly find fault with him?:(((( The actor is doing a very good job to be honest …especially considering how lukewarm and detached from reality webtoon male characters tend to be. I have certainly become a fan of Na In Woo!!

  25. * her licking herself was Repulsive if I saw someone do that in front of me I would GAG!~ yuck! so yuck!

  26. I keep seeing comments talking bad about the actress that plays su min and i need it to stop.hate the character not the actress.This is why we never get good evil villains anymore.

  27. here’s my thing- NO one gets there on their own- as people we are communial creatures we are born and need our Parents and Loved ones from the first seconds and even in business or school or whatever we need others to help. So her thoughts about doing it on her own were foolish! she does not have to be like her FAKE best friend- using people, lying and stealing but if she needs help she should accept it~ after all the is her 2nd life if she has not learned anything its a shame. Her swimming to the rock and not knowing how to swim is symbolic of how she has been for a while. And even though her husband is trash I wonder if there were anything GOOD about him at all?

  28. I think they are misinterpreting why they were given a second chance. I think the dad helped send him back to take care of his daughter and make the choice to love her this time around.

    She also needs to realize that it doesn’t make her weak to seek help from someone who cares and that she can trust.

    Next episode, it looks like the scummy boyfriend and her friend will finally get together. They deserve each other! ??

    On a side note: Anyone else feel like they were waiting for him to throw caution t the wind and kiss her in the water? Then look at her say, “This is what I want.”

  29. This story is like that boat Ji Won talked about. Not moving along, just rocking. Smh. She needs to take the help and move the story along! Break up with bf, press charges if he acts out, have ML for back up, do something! Does she want to change her story or not??

  30. I’M MAD that they wrote a scene where that b!tchh finds our kang ji won’s stocks, i don’t know why that bothered me. i wanted it to be a secret that ji won’s stocks did great while min’s tanked.

  31. Su-min may be manipulative, but she’s not that bright. I’m SO glad though. If she’s smart too, I’d be so pissed. HAHAHAHAH. This was such a great episode. I was watching it with all my attention from beginning to end. I’m so happy and proud of Ji-won, but also wish that she could ask for help. I get where she’s coming from. And seeing how Su-min gets what she wants, I’d feel the same as Ji-won too and insist on getting what I want on my own. But I hope Ji-won (and myself lol) can learn to accept that you can be both capable and also ask for help by acknowledging that you can’t do it all. What matters is that you have tried your very best, but it is okay to ask for reasonable help and it doesn’t diminish your capabilities or efforts.

    And “I want to be solid land” never sounded so romantic and heartwarming before. T.T to be someone’s solid land….wow. I wish someone will say that to me. But even if there’s no one like that, I can always be my own solid land! Haha! Who says I can’t??

    I’m really looking forward to seeing how Ji-won shifts the marriage onto Su-min next episode. Min-hwan is really worse than trash. Su-min, too.

    Oh, but Hui-yeon and Eun-ho’s first encounter was cute!!!

  32. Guys why is it too slow and lagging , im tired of skipping and skipping it, when will the revenge start,
    and i love to see Eun ho and that colleague girl more, they make me happy.

  33. please someone explain me one thing why he is backing out after confessing i mean why he is not taking the lead making things happen in love life section
    also happy ending or sad ending in webtoon???

  34. Thought someone as fussy as Ji Hyuk would have a Siamese or Ragdoll cat to match.??? The orange tabby seem quite “chatty“.☺️

    Isn’t that the same taxi ahjusshi Ji Won met..? Does this mean Eun Ho & Hui Yeon are a cp now??

    Ji Won needs to be extra careful. Like not leaving her computer for Su Min to find out her secrets. Kudos to actress playin’ Su Min. She makes me ➡️??whenever her scene comes on. Good job.?

  35. Even though things here are way different from the manhwa, I must say they did a great job with this. Except maybe how they found out about each other’s second chance at living. Because in the manhwa it was such a emotional thing. But maybe changing it was important because if not that would mean the kdrama had to be fast paced as the manhwa. Overall, till now this is great and I am definitely hooked! This might be my new favourite drama if this makes it till the end like this.

  36. If the inevitable is bound to happen… Does that mean Ji-Hyuk can’t avoid his death either??? And if he can who is he supposed to carry his ill-fated destiny ??? Ji-Won can avoid it by letting Su-Min marry her boyfriend but what about Ji-Hyuk??

  37. Finally that scumbag of her boyfriend will start to cheat on her so she can get rid of him and that witch of her fake friend

  38. When Eunho met Hee Yeon … ?

    Aside from that, the analogy about being on a rocking boat after losing a beloved family member is so relatable for me.

  39. working from home mondays & treating myself to brunch and marry my husband is the highlight of my week

  40. u do realise you were gonna die just now right??? then Su min would be right and you’d be wrong lolx….you won’t be able to live, let alone live like Su min…???

  41. I was disappointed in the previous episodes because i thought they removed the conversation between jihyuk and jiwon’s dad but i’m glad they incorporated it here, also jihyuk’s death by the accident makes alot of sense to me now cause in the webtoon minhwan dies in a car accident so in the drama jihyuk’s fate is prolly gonna transfer to minhwan and he’ll die eventually , that’s just my prediction tho based on the webtoon.

    also eunho & huiyeon met finally aaa! I can’t wait for their romance to blossom hehehe! I hope he falls for her faster in the drama!

    Also am i forgetting something ordid they change Ms.yang’s love interest? wasn’t it supposed to be a younger guy with a much brighter personality lol?

  42. The FL wanting to do things the right way on her own is admirable especially after knowing what happens 10 years later. She doesnt want to take short cuts/be unethical like Su Min but i wish she would accept ML’s help already, now that we are at episode 7. He’s willingly to help with nothing in return! I’m glad they inlcuded the scene between the ML and Ji Won’s father; it was a very meaningful part of the webtoon. Also Pang (the cat) finally mets Ji Won ☺️

    Lastly, the ML in this scene ?

  43. why are they changing up the dynamics this was supposed to be the character development for the girl and about the male lead trying to get together with her as he regretted and liked her soo much and help her in the sidelines. what’s the point of showing him shooting and all the other unimportant things that are shown in every other dramas with chaebols in it, its an old trope writers come on! give the girl her spotlight and show the nasties get together.


  45. ok call me a hater but I can’t for the love of god like the actor playing the ML, idk why I just don’t feel like he suits the character… hes so boring.. plus I cant feel the chemistry between them either I think they picked the wrong actor for this role

  46. Impatiently waiting for episode 8 ?
    As Webtoon reader, do you think they’ll get to be neighbours?

    Poor them, they were literally shivering on an emotional scene on a damn lake.
    I thought he was going to kiss her, but he didn’t.
    I hold my breath for the whole scene to burst laughing after realizing that there were many angles that were shot. I tried my best to watch it seriously but I couldn’t, knowing Na In Woo’s reaction in 2days 1 night going in a freezing water. He’s so professional.
    Park Min Young got so thin, I don’t if it’s healthy though. But knowing she’s doing pilates she’s healthy then. She’s so damn good at controlling those tears, from watery to single drop.
    Her in short hair era all over again like in The healer in 2014, 10 years ago. I prefer her like this. It is refreshing to see again.

    Lee Yi Kyung is just so versatile with this role. He has the perfect balance between comedy and serious role. He’s killing it.

    Song Ha Yoon was so damn annoying in this role too. She literally embodied the character of SuMin with those pouty lips and doe eyes with cunning mind. Hands up to her.

    Can’t wait for them to be together and their lovey dovey phase, but most of all get revenge to the annoying couple Su Min Hwan.
    So far this drama adaptation of the webtoon is good. It’s rare to see dramas adaptations faithful to the source without changes. This adaptation has made changes, but tailored to suit the plot and the flow of the story.
    For example Ji Hyuk’s conversation with Ji Won’s father happened a bit later, almost towards the endding in the webtoon, but inserted here first. Another example is EunHo and Ji Won’s meet ups. In the webtoon they usually meetup at eunho’s café, because jiwon usually order coffee there. But here Eunho meets jiwon at her company’s entrance to make the drama more spicy and give “reason” to other characters to get involve like Ji Hyuk when in the original it wasn’t.

    So guys please don’t complain if it wasn’t like it was in the webtoon. I like both version. The script is good, the plot is plotting and the cinematography is serving, so it slayeedth.


  48. that last scene,,..ML seems to be controlling himself a lot..hes ready to do anything for her now..looks like even Ji Won has started to understand was clear when he showed her his heart tatoo..
    cant understand the ex..he`s falling for that snake friend, but y still hes hanged on Ji won & wants to marry her badly…so that after marriage he can get Ji Won`s money & have affair with that snake girl…that snake girl is trying all ways to get to Min Hwan

  49. The height diff is insane everyone saw the self defense scene both lying side by side
    What I like is even production crew acknowledges how crazy it is they made Tik-Tok video when the leads are on a date outside standing beside each other photo moment but you double take because suddenly height is not that bad. Then they go behind her body lift up her dress just enough to show she has 4 inch heels and is standinng on wooden box and she is laughing hysterically

  50. This is stressing me out !! Who’s gonna die in their place if it’s inevitable ?? Please marry those two snakes and let them die together ???

  51. They are the people who are fated by BTS, they are gonna end together but seems to be a long journey, damn!
    And the pick-up line:


  52. OMG she so cute i can’t ???

    I now officially ship them ??.. who doesn’t like a lady who appreciates ur food XDD

  53. Ji Hyeok’s conversation with Ji Won’s father was so meaningful and explains a lot. Sometimes I feel sorry for Ji Hyeok, because it seems his purpose in this life is to be there for Ji Won, to come to her aid when needed and to be invisible the rest of the time. We still haven’t gotten to the point where Ji Won realizes how much he means to her, but I’m already looking forward to the start of their relationship. Another ship is in the harbor (Hee-Yeon and Eun Ho), but we will have to wait until its sails are raised. Eun Ho and Ji Won didn’t have close encounters like this in the webtoon (she used to go to his cafe to get coffee), so I believe they want to create tension and make us think that Eun Ho has a chance with Ji Won. Song Ha-Yoon did an excellent job as Su Min, as her character in the drama is just as insufferable and repulsive as in the webtoon. Whenever she speaks to someone, I want to

  54. People seem to be still confused as to why she is trying to get both of them together.
    “The inevitable will happen”
    What is meant to happen will happen and therefore she can only transfer to someone else.
    Also, I think this is very good adaptation of the webtoon. Because like I explained beforethe car scene with her father was one of the best scenes in webtoon. So I was sad that they changed it to an accident. But now I understand why they changed it the way they did.
    This is a big big spoiler click at your own risk!!!!
    Min Hwan dies in a car accident in the webtoon. So, they are gonna apply the transfer rule here which should I say is a clever use of the webtoon rule.
    The closer it gets to the revenge plot, the happier I get!!

  55. Oh poor baby u have suffered a lot ;-;

    ofc u would have…
    i believe in u ;-;

    Thats my boi.. thats my boi.. thas ma boi ????

    And the best dadda award goes to mr. ji won’s appa XDD and the way he smirks when ml tells the father he likes her daughter XDDD i just can’t

    Like for real, does JH think that not telling JW the truth on how he came back to 2013 is for her sake or what….Like dude just tell the truth…aaah, frustrating ?
    Not sure I liked this ep. The push and pull between our OTP is beginning to annoy me.
    Why can’t JH just say, “Hey, I died and came back to 2013 so I’m scared the inevitable will happen. But I like you etc.
    And JW says” I like you too but we can’t be together right as I’ve got a mission to have my bf and BFF marry eachother and afterwards, we can be together etc
    Is it that hard to do ?‍♀️

  57. prosecutor : This man is a murderer my lord .
    Judge : what ! seriously ?!
    How did this happen
    prosecutor : His looks milord..
    Judge : What nonsense !
    prosecutor : this is the look that can kill and has also stolen my heart milord…
    Judge : OMG! then as of this session the court has decided on shotgun wedding of the guilty with ms. ji won. case dismissed !

    Justice served hurray !!!

    The above was the scenario goin inside my head… hope u like it lol

  58. any office drama without workshop is so incomplete…lol…why did the ML made that other lady the head of FL`s idea..what was the new guy threatening him with..didnt get that part

    hope that Yang lady doesnt turn bad

  59. Was I the only one who thought she looked more gorgeous with the glasses and hair tied up. Honestly I just liked her earlier appearance more…. pls Don’t be offended.. its just my opinion .

  60. Girls u should watch it on diff site…they upload on actual time..just refresh when time is up, u can see the need to wait till it uploads here

  61. I am refusing to read the webtoon any further than I have but I don’t get it.
    She changed her fate already by going back. I don’t see why she’d have to marry that POS if she don’t get that cow to do it instead.

  62. This has taken a different route and I am not complaining. There’s a lot of happening in the drama than in the webtoon. The webtoon is just straightforward. This drama version is more interesting because they’ll add details that weren’t in the webtoon. I like how they would team up now to achieve their goal, hopefully they succeed.

  63. atleast both of them r figuring out together…he didnt tell her about his accident…

    i thought her dad died & she`s all alone…he met her dad after her funeral, who gave him lift…looks like only he could sense her dad, cause her dad came out of nowhere to give him lift

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