135 Comments to “Marry My Husband (2024) Episode 4

  1. Hui Yeon is such a mood… ? Also, she and the manager definitely are giving sibling vibes.

  2. sumin has to be the weirdest character i have ever seen like the manipulation, the lying, the shadiness is so insidious

  3. EVERY single time that pick me bitch comes on screen I want to barf. Seriously usually second female leads aren’t as odious from the get go, this one is giving me HUGE cringe from the first episode… the little voice and the mannerism just UGH YUCK. Every single time I see her I want to hurl. Kudos to the actress lol for making me want to delete her from my screen every time lmao.

    Don’t hate me because I do love this drama SO MUCH already! But this feels SO MUCH like perfect marriage revenge!! Except this one has a crazier plot yet has much more hilarious scenes and characters, that I love. Don’t get me wrong I’m not comparing so much as admiring, both dramas are fantastic and PMR never had a dull moment, it kept me interested SO MUCH not a single filler character or plot all suspense and mystery, some cute moments but mostly hating on the step monster and her evil spawn…. even the ex boyfriend reminds me of the ex from PMR I don’t think it’s the same actor but he FEELS the same, maybe more slimy lol but violent. The other one definitely was just a POS but never violent. I’ve never been much into webtoons but I’m kinda debating wether to start reading this one just because I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!! lol

  4. Wow already 2 drama i watch storylines more or less… same but different… If only in the real world it would be possible to go back and correct it… but its ok at least we can watch it. .

  5. I still don’t understand why she couldn’t just say, f**k both of you, I’m gonna cut you off from my life. I don’t care.

    She doesn’t have to keep trying to scheme and get them together. Just leave, move on with your life. She has the knowledge of the future. She could practically success in many things.

    1. Nah if she moved on they would never get what they deserved,,, just watch the series. Her revenge is so satisfying it makes me glad she didn’t move on

  6. I’m appreciating the changes they made from the webtoon. JY has a lot more going on for him now. The rebirth reveal was also really early, but I like it. We get to see him actually doing stuff, as opposed to the webtoon where he didn’t do much of anything, other than support FL. l’m liking that he’s an active participant now

  7. Ah that’s why.saw this coming, but surprising as well. so this must mean that JW’s father is connecting them together similarly to Twinkling Watermelon(?). I wonder how is YJH connected to JW’s father tho, if any. Or is it something else? The cat? Lol now JH has another dude he needs to be aware of hahaha. Now that makes sense as to how he knew all that info too. JW standing up for herself ??❤️? that was refreshing. HY is the granddaughter of the CEO?! No wonder. Sister of JH? She’ll totally approve of JW hahaha. Feel bad for EH tho.

  8. I got to agree with the FL. He does look nice without the glasses. I had her same reaction,I was in love for a moment lol. He’s got such broad shoulders and is handsome in a way. It’s my first time seeing him in a drama. I have to follow his works now.

    Now I think he was the back up plan of the FL’ds father. So if she failed he’d be the backup to protect her. I guess her old man knew his daughter is a pushover able to stumble on the same rock lol

  9. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO CHANGE HIS DEATH SCENE FROM THE WEBTOON!!!! The part that shows how absolutely in love with her he is. When he literally held her in his arms when she died, met her dad, holds her funeral, and then throws himself into the sea and drowns because he knew he couldn’t live w/o her since he had so much guilt from her death.
    Now that they changed so much will we even get the scene where she finds his note and finds out why he was back.

    They threw away the most important scenes which showed us why he is such a green flag and how much he loved her. :((((((((((((

  10. Seeing Na In Woo in this drama and seeing him on 2D1N, he’s just a sweetheart irl. His scream of “Hyung” on every episode is so cute and funny!

  11. I am kinda annoyed on how the FL was in high school 3 yrs and never noticed her friend was sobotaging her and than they work together and she HAD NO CLUE as to why her crush yelled at her .. ppl communicate PLS… its sucks she’s learning all about her fake friend on her second trail in life and imagine if she never got a second try and she passed away with heartbreak of how brutally crazy and manipulate her fake BF is … I hope ppl in korea aren’t that naive as her pls …

  12. Bully, they never need a legit reason to bully a person. They find a weak target and will do whatever it takes to hurt you for their own satisfaction. The reason why i was hooked to the webtoon was i resonate with FL. It was so hard for me during high-school that i even attempted you-know-what. I still could not get over the trauma & rejected all reunion invites.
    Owh, you can tell that JW is so inexperience in relationship/love based on her reaction when she saw ML with Miss Sunshine.
    It’s kinda funny that ML is already at the hotel when FL arrives. Is he a reincarnation of Nobita and have access to Doraemon’s magic door?

  13. A copycat of “Perfect Marriage Revenge” (MBM/Viki, 2023) and so soon. However, I am doubtful if this will top that one. The female lead here is not as pretty and secondly, the storyline. Despite being given a second chance at life, back in time, Ji-Won and JI-Hyeok seemed to be slow in capitalizing on their knowledge of the future.

    There was so much ding dong about Ji-Won being so beautiful in this episode, after her makeover. It would have helped to make it more credible if they had cast an actress that is really beautiful. I mean, they are many to chose from, so why her?

  14. Ji Won and the chef look too much like brother and sister — maybe that had the same surgeon?
    Anyway, that’s a lot of drama over one orange pussy.

  15. Her BF and fake best friend ARE OBSSESSED with her now she knows her worth and is not playing alone with their shenanigans

  16. Still watching for Lee Yi-Kyung & Song Ha-Yoon. This drama isn’t wowing me so far, but the story is intriguing enough & I also like some of the characters.

  17. the episode was so short but atleast we got to see ji-hyuk’s past scene >< ( webtoon readers unit!!!! )

  18. Lmao no wonder! I was confused how she got that expensive fashion membership with her type of job.

  19. According to the flashbacks ML knew FL in college. But did the FL know him. It doesn’t seem like they were friends maybe acquaintances. But it’s clear they had a few interactions between the two in college. It seems like the FL doesn’t know her boss/ML was someone she knew from her college days.

  20. that cat sure is adorable, I want to pet it the minute they showed it, Na In Woo is good with heavy drama with a bit of comedy, this role fits hims so well, he’s a gentle giant.

  21. 근데… this kdrama is one of the rarest kdramas I don’t skip minutes while watching… and speaking up as a kdrama fan that has watched over 400 kdramas…. Once in a while you get to watch kdramas like this !!!! Very detailed and so well putted in scenes!!! Love the cast and the writing and everyone is doing a great job!!!!

  22. The guy who she used to like in high school has “crazy eyes”, hope he doesn’t become an issue. Also, didn’t he say he had a girlfriend when the ML approached him??

    1. LOL he said he had a girlfriend because he thought the ML was asking him out,,,, So he lied to make the ML understand that he’s straight and doesn’t like guys

  23. Am i the only one who loved Eun ho and his busan accent?! im going to get a second lead syndrome as Eunho and the FL looks very compatible.

    1. dw he ends up with FL’s friend,, which is really cute because he’s a chef and she loves food

  24. guess makeover cannot really change the person, she faked it at the reunion, but still acting so mousy in the car. soomin when not being a b itch is quite pretty, especially showing her assets, and especially for a 37 year old. hayoon is more successful in this role than her recent leading roles.

  25. I knew when he found the guy he SAS the same. No way he would have known what to do. I feel bad for the 1st love though. Well, in a way I don’t. Not like he couldn’t complete his sentence in high school & cleared up the mess. I don’t get Su min. What did she have to gain in high school? No life other than stewing with someone else? How does she afford herself? Makes no sense.

  26. Is it just me or is anyone else getting serial killer vibes from our main glasses guy ??

  27. I knew it! I knew there was something with the section manager guy, it was almost like he knew stuff like her and I wonder if he is doing a repeat like her. But nice to know that the two scummy people didn’t get away with murder after Ji-Won was killed. Her old life is still so painful to watch.

  28. The scene when he almost hit the cat was so scary. I paused just to comment abt this ???

  29. Hui-Yeon is so pure and such an awesome friend, I hope our FL figures out that HY and her boss aren’t an item, so she doesn’t misunderstand them.

  30. hes a creepy guy she didnt even know him and hes willing to kill him self i read the webtoon and he does a lot of stalkery type stuff

  31. she’s in such a messy situation and shes gonna go on a date she cant handle all at once because she still technically dating him


  33. how can you still like someone you haven’t seen in years that is crazy and then to pull her by the arm

  34. As much it’s hard to see Lee Yi Kyung’s grin and not think of his iconic Wikiki character, I feel like it’s an injustice to be hung up on it when he’s doing a really good job here with his flip of a switch from being a goofy jerk to being an aggressive jerk

  35. Perfect marriage revenge was a spoiler for this drama especially considering it has been just a few months since I watched this

    In episode 2, I felt like Ji-Won was not bringing the energy I wanted to see for someone who has gotten a second chance at life but episode 3&4 had made me happy. I can’t wait to see how she deals with the meal kit proposal stuff

    I love love love Hui-Yeon. She is so bubbly and brings so much energy into her space. Every one needs a Hui-Yeon or needs to be a Hui-Yeon for someone! Absolutely love her

  36. Ok. While everyone is set that JH time travel too. Let’s analyze the time line. JW died in 04/12/23, she went back to 04/12/13, the day when she went bzerk in the office. JH has NOT time travel yet. But you can tell he cared and wanted to spend time with JW. But is withdrawal and unsure of his purse.

    In today’s episode, we find that he died on 04/19/23 and time travel to 04/19/13. So that means JW is 7 days early, and JH just woke up. I figured that it was the day in the elevator in episode 2, and he wanted to ask her out on the roof.

    So now, we start to see how he stalks her and where to be to be her shoulder to cry on. It was creepy how he knew where she will come out the door while waiting for her. The car ride was awkward ?. But you can tell, she alittle more comfortable around him.

  37. I love everything about this drama <3 so well done! now comes the hard part…wait a week for the next episode~

  38. Same concept as “Perfect Marriage Revenge” where both leads go back in time and relive their second lives remembering the future and trying to change it. ML liked FL but she was dating another guy and was going to get married ML decides to take his chance in second life and helps her along the way.

  39. There’s something about the chef, he reminds me of someone I guess, I hope they won’t change his plot!

  40. Oh this is killing me I want all the episodes at once, I wonder if we’ll see more subplots or it will stay focused on the main 4 character’s relationships. Also, what’s the deal with the chicken guy? Is that an actual brand in Korea and they created his character for product placement?
    I’m kinda surprised they revealed this is his second life too so soon, I mean is not like they were hiding it they made his character super suspicious from the start. Maybe it was to make it more understandable that he is trying to woo her.

    The scenes of trash-Sumin biting her nails remind me so much of the webtoon, only missing those extra plumped glossy lips.

  41. Guys is it just me or the storyline of this drama is exactly like perfect marriage revenge??

  42. this drama has one of the dullest aesthetics i’ve ever seen in a recent kdrama, but its a bold kind of dull, like they’re hella confident in their story and willing to do whatever to support it, and they’re right too the drama is so far entertaining. i’m glad we’re getting the ml’s story this early

  43. Ok, here’s a little rant: I’m not mad at the scriptwriters for changing the reason why he died, it’s understandable because of how suici** rates are so high in Korea. But I’m a little sad they didn’t include the scene where he was the one who found her dying at home and held her in his arms. I cried so much reading it in the webtoon and I was looking forward to that scene 🙁

  44. Too many coincidences.. hm.. it’s obvious Ji Hyuk also got his chance for a do-over as Ji Won.

    It sucks to be you huh Su Min!??? Those bitter, idiotic pack of mean girls were just as bad. Birds of a feather.?

    I don’t know why exactly but Ji Hyuk bugging Ji Won over her outfit just rubs me the wrong way..?

    That’s new? wtod + a orange cat.?? And a heart tattoo.

  45. I still don’t understand why she keeps “her friend” around and the useless boyfriend. Just cut ties with them and the life path should go different, isn’t this the logic?


  47. i thought so, liked past jiwon i didnt also like the old fashioned styling of jiwon and jihyuk huuhu good thing in the next episode it would improved.. please i want to already see her moving to a new apartment because of her crazy bf huhu

  48. Something about this drama just doesn’t click with me. I read the webtoon and can say I enjoyed it, but the drama just feels off for me.

  49. I honestly don’t understand why Ji Won keeps those trash bags near her. Those two will get together even without her interfering. I just think it’s dumb and dangerous to try and fake a relationship with such atrocious people. I can’t watch 16 episodes of that. I don’t see the point of her staying together with the sleazebag, murdering boyfriend and the lying fake witch. Wouldn’t a sane person try to get away asap from them? ML is a sweet cinnamon roll and it was obvious he was living a second life as well.

  50. I only didn’t like the way they changed how jihyeok died . I am sorry but it was really touching seeing her in his arms and him actually organizing her funeral also him meeting her dad was a detail that changed. it made sense in the webtoon how they both travelled back but here it doesn’t. Kinda disappointed to be honest.

  51. LOLL your outfit isnt suitable for work, I love the clumsiness and cuteness they added to mr yu’s charachter

  52. It has similar story as “my perfect marriage revenge”. But this drama is more fun to watch (my perfect marriage revenge was a soap opera so i didn’t enjoy a lil bit of that drama :’])
    & THIS girl, I’m so happy that she’s playing this character. Her face & character ?? I’m loving her so much
    Every introvert ppl need this kind of extrovert & lovely friend ???

  53. Even despite having similarities to PMR, this still tells a great story. I think this story line feels more intense, and has both intriguing and comedic moments throughout the series.

  54. I feel this Yu Ji Hyuk also travel back to time 10 years with Ji Won as well, does anyone agree?

  55. Question to the people who have read the manga. So is the drama storyline following the manga? Or are there any differences? (Please don’t give out major spoilers if possible) ?

    WITH EACH EPISODE IM GETTING MORE AND MORE OBSESSED WITH THIS DRAMA like literally ? it’s so good honestly I think everyone’s acting is great and the cast is good too. Also is it just me or the ml looks a bit Japanese ?? but he’s hella hot tho ? ? and ofc as always the fl is hella fineeeeee she’s talented asf and so sexyyy ??? and omg isn’t eun-ho kinda cute honestly feel bad for him that he wouldn’t get together with ji-won they would’ve been a cute couple and he genuinely seems to like her and OMG hee-yeon is so adorable I love her personality it’s so bubbly :)))) and goshhh min-hwan’s acting is great as always too!!
    Mannnnnnn it’s so freakin difficult to wait for the next episodes I wish they could just release all of them at once ? my exams are gonna start soon and look what I’m doing ?‍♂️ ?‍♂️

  57. Hui-yeon’s disgusted look when Ms. Yang said Mr. Yu looked better without his glasses. HAHAHAHAHAH but omgggggg Ji-hyuk’s got a kitty!!!!!!!! I wonder if that kitty has a mysterious true identity or something. Lol. Coz he only got into the accident trying to avoid running over it. And I guess everything adds up now. Ji-won traveled back to April 12, while Ji-hyuk traveled back to April 19. That’s probably the day when he came running to the lift and saw Ji-won.

    But are Ji-hyuk and Hui-yeon siblings or cousins? I’m guessing most probably cousins. Can’t wait till Ji-won finds out their scandal is BS. Hahah

  58. omgg every ep it just keep getting better i hope that how it is for the rest of the eps and i cant wait for next week lol


  60. how did he reach the hotel before her when she left for the hotel first??? it was the same in 1st episode when he was always there at every place before her to save her from falling….???

  61. well was quite obvious and evident from his actions that he time travelled too…

    and I love the cat…. ❤️❤️

  62. I just can’t with him, just can’t ?????. he’s a bloody narcissist, but I just can’t stop laughing at this trait of his…

  63. well I have to admit, even I couldn’t take my eyes off her, she looked beautiful ??❤️❤️. Park min young is one actress who looks flawless in what attire u put her into…???

    and yes girl, just do and wear and say what makes u happy and feel gud….

  64. I love every response from Ji-Won to that snake Su-Min. She wants to rekindle their friendship after she lied about her and now she’s acting like the victim. Jihyuk came from the past too cos he was present at Jiwon’s funeral and he had an accident also he is taking care of Jiwon’s cat ( DAD ) , Jiwon got three men dying to be with her ??

  65. oh god, did the drama really just answer my question on ep 3 right away, I tough the CEO are FL stalker lol.
    plot are established. now I can just enjoy the rest of the drama. comedic and romance are top notch too.

  66. he has an orange cat in 2013 and the cat that “caused” his car accident is an orange cat. Is this just a coincidence or something else ?? I don’t think he searched for the orange cat in 2013 so he can avoid his 2023 accident, that would be super difficult, no ?

  67. first it was Parks contract marriage & now here..looks like its latest trend of gradfather of male lead being villian nowadays

    in marriage revenge they had the timer on their wrist..here it looks like small blue heart tattoo on male lead body which is sign of him being from future..
    here MLs accident is also similar of male lead accident from perfect marriage revenge

    ML is very funny, but his humor comes from his stern looking face..hahaha…he is trying to gain some points from female lead..but hes 3rd in line…lol…she already has her first love & that jerk boyfriend…
    & now she thinks her friend & he r in relationship..lol..big misunderstanding

  68. Ji Won Please darling, How can this be any thing other than a sibling relationship???

    Also Ji Won’s dad basically killed the boss and sent him as an allowance for her???? lololol

  69. finally someone commented on his fashion style too…hopefully we will get to see ML in diff clothes in future…was tired to see him in those longest baggy suits

  70. Tryina screw her over how dare you

    and the best side award goes to the extra beside Su bitchmin

  71. Now this ep. was the Selling point for this drama. I definitely ship our stoic and yet adorable manager and Ji-Won. They are just sooooo cute. That witch of aa friend and jerk-a** boyfriend deserve each-other. So those co-workers literally got nothing else to do except gathering on the rooftop to gossip JW’s transformation…tsk tsk= Disgusting. They need more overtime work.

  72. finally ML ditched his huge glasses..he looked better without them..him being flustered front of her in office..was cute scene..

    now SuMin sugarcoating to Ml…lol…& he didnt even give her a glance..lol..

    looks like Su Min was screwing FL from start onwards..want to know now how they became friends & from where it all started..shes being getting herself involved in all of FLès love life..making her look bad & wrong

  73. Webtoon lovers, please tell me Jiwon and Huiyeon’s relationship will keep getting better?!
    I love our girlies sm ??❤️❤️. Also, does the revenge get better with each episode cause it has to slap fr?. Harder than perfect marriage revenge!

  74. This was such a good episode! Jiwon and Jihyuk finally breathing the same air again??. We’re all swooning over Jiwon including Jihyuk ofc lol. I really hope we see him more without those glasses cause I can’t lol. And it’s clear that Jihyuk is from the future, I guess he didn’t know Jiwon is aware of what Scum min and Minhwan did to her; he always had her back silently???. The hatred I have for Scum min just keeps getting worse and ik she won’t get any better lmao. But it’s funny how Minhwan is actually a useless jerk but I hate him less idk?? Future him was way more terrible tbh! Like why make him funny writernim?. Still hate his guts tho.

    PS: the duration for each ep is so short?! i need more epsiodesss, how do we wait for a week again?! ??

  75. You can’t help but hate Su Min and Min Hwan. Not only did they do everything to ruin Ji Won’s life, but they played the victim until the last moment and didn’t feel the slightest bit of guilt. Just this statement from Min Hwan speaks volumes .

    What particularly intrigues me in almost every drama is the level of violence in society (at school, at work, in the family…) and that it’s taken as part of everyday life. Su Min is mean and sneaky, but that doesn’t excuse the other girls abusing Ji Won.

    In this episode, they made quite a few changes from the webtoon.
    Ji Hyeok committed suicide (drowning in the sea) after Ji Won’s funeral, because he couldn’t get over her. By the way, he witnessed Min Hwan and Su Min killing Ji Won. The cat is also another proof of his love for Ji Won, but I believe they will show that part.

  76. So they want to blame the witch because they bullied her.??‍♀️
    Its always someone else’s fault for the dirty BS they someone does.

  77. Is anyone else having the problem where the comment section doesn’t come up? Like you see the comment button but when you click it, the button dissappear and you see no comments.

  78. I can’t tell if it’s his suits that are ill-cut or if it’s just that they don’t fit him, but frankly the ML is not at all elegant in it. Even his body language screams discomfort. It’s nothing like his other dramas where he was more relaxed and it suited him well and it’s a shame because he’s a handsome man.

    A guy who wears his suit well is the sexiest in my eyes.

  79. lol the way her ex husband was staring at Su Mins front…hahahahaha & funny bg music to that…he was decent enough to give her his jacket…how can you hate such comedic character..want to hate him, but just cant..lol

  80. The thing that shocked me about this episode was seeing an iPhone in a kdrama. I thought it was Samsung or die. ?

  81. how did ML reached before FL at that hotel after giving death stare to chef for 5 mins after she left…lol

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