3 Comments to “Love Endures (2024) Episode 28 (Sub: 95%)

  1. Adam Fan’s acting and his handsome face are reminding me of Deng lun or is that just because I miss this man! ? ?

  2. I know right?
    A crush she has had for over twelve years ask her on a date, and a guy she just got to know recently invites her on a camping trip and she goes?
    I actually agreed with Jiang Yi when he said he brought you there and you couldn’t leave?
    I understand her point of view but still.
    Girl, let my ship sail.
    I was so pissed when she did that, poor Jiang Yi.

  3. Adam Fan’s acting and his handsome face are reminding me of Deng lun or is that just because I miss this man! ? ?

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