8 Comments to “Yongan Dream (2024) Episode 24

  1. Nice, easy going show to watch. I find the second half better than the first. Loved that they didn’t waste alot of airtime on the mastermind. I find this episode lame, the amnesia part was not neccessary lmo. Happy ending for all which is a good thing.

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed this drama the acting and the storyline were superb ……..Love costume drama !!

  3. The ending was good, but it would have been great if they didn’t add that memory loss plot and explained clearly about their past life. I still don’t understand their past life. Who was that man sitting in front of Lu Shiyan when he was being attacked with arrows? Why did Shen Zhen leave him to go away to North? Who was that man they kept referring to in previous episodes, when SZ told LS that she would be leaving to the North to see him?

    If LS already decided that he would never marry anyone else except for SZ in his past life, he could have just chosen to marry her, despite of what everyone else said, instead of letting her go. What exactly did SZ face in the past life, that she made the extreme decision to leave LS and go to the North?

    Also, they showed SZ in many different costumes in his dream, so does that mean that this is a repeating reincarnation and there was more than one past life? They left so many questions unanswered about their past lives.

    Apart from that, this is one of the few series I enjoyed from the start to finish without many complaints, except for her elder sister’s character.

  4. A rather cute & fun series. Kind of predictable & has the cliches you find in historical series. But the writing & the actors were enjoyable enough to make it worth watching.

    PS Did Fuman find her sister? I might’ve missed that.

  5. I “‘ll still wait for the engish sub….although I’ve watched up to the last ep… I’m happy that it’s a happy ending.

  6. God! The ending was so satisfying!

    One thing Jeremy Xu is gonna do is deliver. He went from mesmerizing us with his psychopathic love in Legend of Dugu and the in Yongan dream acting as the most revered, feared and trusted man to the kingdom while all the time the man breathing, eating, living anf DREAMING my Woman!!!!!!

    And you know what? I’m not complaining.

    The 2 sisters were sooo goood and everyone was so well written.
    Although I wanted the dream to have a great deal of meaning than regret, it doesn’t matter tho, I still loved everything including the costumes and set 🙂

    See you again! My people in dramaland

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