6 Comments to “Yongan Dream (2024) Episode 18

  1. I would rather not see any kissing if it’s going to be the deceitful bull crap these directors seems found off!
    It shouldn’t matter if the actors have objections to kissing in these dramas, it’s ACTING❗❗❗ At least give your best effort in your acting abilities….gosh darn it❗❗❗

    Now this Crown Prince:- how/when/where did you get Zhen’s jade bangle?
    So another evil Empress covitting the throne for her mediocre son when current Emperor croaks. Nothing new here…..hope they figure it out soon….and the Xu general is in cahoots with her too!

  2. shen zhen is what you would call a soft girl. soft, not weak, or a pushover. she sticks up for herself and gets her things done, all while being soft. i like that.
    i like how sneaky this whole evil mastermind reveal is

  3. I knew it wasn’t lu shi yan’s mother the moment the queen sort of forced her to groom miss xu, she probably wants to amass military power through general xu while hiding behind the eldest princess, l have to say she’s quite clever for hiding her tracks and now with her gifting lu shi yan’s mother shén Zhen’s bangle she wants to solidify the suspicions behind the half Zhang letter which leads to the princess and all of this she’s probably doing for the sixth prince

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