3 Comments to “The Uncanny Counter (2020) Episode 16

    1. there is season 2 hopefully soon comming this year… <3
      hurry you guys , i cant wait to watch you all again 😀
      this is 1 of my absolute favorite dramas!!!! <3

  1. This drama was quite good. I thoroughly enjoyed it despite how draggy it got towards the end. I feel like episodes 13 to 15 were just filler and could have been done away with, but it isn’t a train smash. One thing that did irk me was the unnecessary addition of deaths to the story-line. Kdramas need to stop depriving viewers of joy; a simple happy ending without loved ones dying would be nice, for a change. Not every non-romance genre drama needs parents, friends or partners (romantic and otherwise) to die. Let them live, dammit! The story is good and well-acted. As much as I liked the main characters, I have to say that the best-friends and the bully were characters I looked forward to seeing as well. They all payed their roles exceptionally well. Overall, this was a good drama. It’s a solid 7/10 in my opinion.

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