The Sign (2023) Episode 7

Category: The Sign (2023)

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25 Comments to “The Sign (2023) Episode 7

  1. i laughed so hard when tharn asked phaya is she your little sister and he was like no shes my mom after finding out that nc scene was real and not a dream my mouth dropped open ?????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. Doc phaya has shown tharn his bed to the fullest hope your long face won’t get affected though am here for it ????

  3. I’m glad they’re finally together ? and I’m hating on the doc fiercely. He’s brilliantly written, but I probably have to watch more of him to be convinced the casting was right. He’s been a bit comically squinty-eyed for me to find him believable.
    Babe is too beautiful, I’m half in love ? and the intimacy scenes while done well make me miss KP (Mile-Apo supremacy, nobody’s been able to dethrone them).
    And I wanna steal the kitty, it’s so freakin cute ? kinda curious about Dao-Nee pairing, is that happening or are they just baiting us ?

  4. Where do they find these amazing showers every time! Great applause for the production team. They get the Oscars for best shower scenes in the most romantic showers BL history.

  5. The skeleton doctor is everywhere!
    He is part of the story… I get it!
    But what the heck is doing in the investigators’ offices as if he was also leading this investigation?
    It’s clear that he’s doing everything to sabotage the investigation, his patients and Payha.
    A doctor is bound by the code of ethics, he is not spreading out info like this one does to the wind.
    He is here to put a mess.
    Why doesn’t Tharn have any premonitions about him?
    Payha has incredible patience with Tharn and it finally paid off. The bed scene wasn’t bad but I have imagined something more intense, steamy and “Rustic” given their potential. ?

  6. OK, Art/Kao’s intense love story came in at full force and had me standing at attention for most of this episode. My heart is relieved Art isn’t the psychotic monster they made him out to be, but he was made to feel that way, hostile and full of anger, because of his Lover’s betrayal. If anything, both pen slashing incidents were accidents. Art/Kao’s story was very interesting and kind of a cool segue, complete with great opera music. Love it! Speaking of intense, of course the cherry on top of this episode is Phaya/Tharn’s saucy and steamy shower/bed sssssssx scenes. I can see their attraction, sense the sexual tension and feel their emotional connection ever so vividly through my screen.., their shower scene alone is making my pulse soar by a whopping 22 beats per minute, lmao! Soooo HOT! Billy/Babe understood the assignment.., knew exactly what makes a shower/bed love scene compelling and they served it, piping hot. Delicious! No more guessing whether it’s a dream or not.., just a whole lot of real sweating, lol.. I now pronounce you two, NAGARUDA, lol… I totally forgive Tharn for the mind games and trying to avoid Phaya. Still, his doctor friend need to go! Great episode! Happy first Blessed Sunday of 2024! …exhausted after watching this episode, lol…. nite world…..

  7. I should ignore my life problems with Meow like Phaya ignored Tharn’s question at 1:09:32.

    Ok so i have a doubt, They saw in CCTV footage that Kao went to Art’s house, but didn’t they see in the CCTV while he came out…only when Tharn saw in his vision they got to know.

  8. This is the most satisfying BL episode that was Aired this week. The rest left a sour taste in my mouth starting from Him to Pitbabe especially Twins. Last Twilight was good as usual but the ending was sad.
    Thank God Beyond the Star is done. Will start watching it now ?☺️

  9. The scene where they were making love in the middle of the art work was powerful. Especially with the operettic music in the back ground. Touching and artful.

  10. I WISH the sex scenes were real…………Theyre starting to get on my nerves……..

  11. ✌️ Victory! Phaya finally got Tharn’s attention with his tricky surprise.

    ? So…this is Phaya’s surprise !? ??️ ?

    ? C’mon creepy Doc. Leave them alone. He even makes a home visit. Brr… ?

    It’s a Sign that Tharn is not that into you, Doc. ? K.O. ? goes to Phaya ?

    ? Creepy doc constantly spies on them.

  12. If someone had told me a couple episodes ago that I would be fast forwarding I would have looked at them like they are crazy but here I am doing just that. First of all what was that intro, a very creative use of paint I must say. A little over 35 minutes of the episode I was saying “f you Tharn and that Doctor”. I got so distracted that I started counting my teeth to see if I really had 32; you don’t get more distracted than that. Just when I thought all hope was lost at very end, sweet baby Jesus, ? ? ?. I was too invested to take screenshots honestly.
    I did not even pay attention to the confession scene because Tharn was being very contradictory with his words. However when dem lights deh did dim and the scene started getting wet in more ways than one ?. Now that is how you make it up to fans, I am hot and not from the weather ?. Then those shots and angles of Tharn on the bed and the positioning of Phaya and sir where were your hands caressing!!
    And then the icing on the cake…..IT WAS NOT A DREAM IT WAS REAL ??

  13. I remembered another detail
    In the preview Phaya is going to have a nightmare again.
    I just want to protect him.
    Please, Tharn, take good care of him.

  14. Forgot the (second) most important part of the episode and that is Art.
    I LOVE how we got three different versions of what happened between Art and Kao that night.
    It might have seemed like a bit too much, repeating it so much, but I feel like this was perfect to showcase how broken Arts mind is.
    Art is mentally ill. And the break of trust from Kao (whether or not he actually did it is another matter) broke is fragile sanity.
    And everything around Arts story – the music, the three versions of the night, the perfomance at the exhibition – was a way to demonstrate that fact.
    It was, very fitting for his character, a literal piece of art.
    Congratulations to the creators of the show and of course Arts actor, who made this experience as amazing as it was.
    Truly a masterpiece.
    This is so far my favourite episode and Arts story is a huge part of why that is the case.

  15. Well, this episode finally gave us what we all have been waiting for. And dear God do I love it.
    Next episode is already scaring me and I only saw the preview.
    Sh*t is gonna happen again and that disgusting Doc will have his fingers in it. I am scared. I’m also worried that Tharn will blame himself when Phaya gets hurt.
    I know it’s horrible, but oh my dear it is not your fault.

    Well, looks like Tharns vision did not come true, but I still think that the Doc might have had sth to do with this.

    I LOVE that Phaya went down the petty round as soon as he calmed down. So far we’ve only seen the Doc push Phayas buttons, while he was agitated. This episode we got to see him when he’s calmer. He still doesn’t like the Doc, but he’s a lot more petty about it.
    Also their little fight during the meeting was so funny.
    And instead of just apologizing for disturbing the meeting Phaya HAD to add, that the Doc was trying to steal sth precious from him.
    I died. It was so damn funny.

    I love this show. I really really do.
    And I hope it goes on forever xD

  16. It’s REAL, not a wet dream or a wild imagination ???

    And to think it happened at Phaya’s house. ? I sure hope they have good insulation on those walls, or the Granny and sis played deaf momentarily. That P!xar lamp sure covered all ?

  17. As much as I like NC but my favorite scenes in that episode are:
    1. When Phaya asks for forgiveness and puts Tharn’s hand on his own cheek and how Tharn calms him down him
    2. A dialogue and eyes contact at the waterpool
    3. A family dinner, and the way they looked at each other

  18. Guys it’s not a dream anymore ??!!!!!!
    Phaya’s confession was so sincere.
    Both of them loving and not wanting to lose eachother , that was so pure, honest and beautifully conveyed.

    Their sex was not just sex, It was full of passion and longing for eachother. The love and feeling of protecting eachother, I could feel their emotion through the screen.
    I literally gasped and forgot to breathe here.

    This is me before part 5 ????️?‍??
    And This is me after watching part 5 ????☺️???️???️??️?

    Lastly To the actor who played art character :
    I was mesmerized by your acting skills.
    The music and your emotions were on point. The feeling of love , anger , pain and betrayal. You were able to capture it all. I was drawn towards the story.

  19. I was gonna make some comments about things other than this that happened in the ep but after they got to that part. I’m freaking speechless now.

  20. me the first half of the episode: who the f are these guys..

    why does it seem like the doc is setting the stage for Phaya to look like he has hysteria or something to cause doubt in everyones eyes? Plus with the way Phaya has been acting recently.. its only going to add more fuel to the fire. Ima say it again.. the Doc is my number 1 suspect for the bad things that have happened in Tharn’s life.. nd I think the Abbot knows but cant interfere.. he has been warning Tharn… its just that Tharn has been a bonehead nd isnt listening ? Not only that but he hasnt been picking up on the tension between Doc and Phaya nor questioned why.. He has not connected a single dot but when he does.. boii oh boiii.. btw I get the feeling doc is always spyin on them when the camera pans a certain way… remember the green eyes and the bushes in the beginning of the series?? hmmmhmm

    the endin totally had me going “im not buying it ? its a dream.. nope not falling for it.. ? wait why is it a bit long?.. dnt tell me its real this time.. ? nahhh dnt make me go delulu?‍?.. OMG ITS REAL ?”

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