The Player 2: Master of Swindlers (2024) Episode 5

6 Comments to “The Player 2: Master of Swindlers (2024) Episode 5

  1. Fingers crossed💓
    my swindlers are making me proud each episode,I can’t complain!!! Mama is just proud of her kids!! Hehehe

  2. Wow these cameos 😂👏👏❤️
    as expected, so he did do a background check on her at least. I suspect the president had something to do w the dads death as well as her bf. Sad tho. We shall see

  3. Woah woah woah 😮, now don’t tell me that the president and that Jeffrey jung guy are together, because if that is true, then it’s going to be another big twist in the story (which I am really enjoying, the number of twists that we are getting in each episode).
    The actor playing the character of the president usually plays negative roles, so it was unexpected for me to see him supporting kang ha ri.
    I feel like it’s too early to say anything. I am very excited to see what’s gonna happen in upcoming episodes.

  4. I was waiting for this case to be solved with a bang, but his arrest was like, “we dun have much time to give to this case and the episode is about to end, just let him get arrested” I mean, seriously??? more than that Gallery’s director and her deeds and her arrest, I was interested in this case, he had to be punished properly in the court, the same way he was acquitted by the court….🫤🫤🫤

  5. I knew something was amiss about him, there’s no way he’s a gud man….quite a typical plot, stay close to the victim so they never get to know you’re the culprit….

    I wonder who put all the cameras at their place for him to observe them 24/7??? is it his secretary or her team mate????

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