2 Comments to “The Miracle of Teddy Bear (2022) Episode 6

  1. gosh how that makes me sad… why when they do such a great drama, why they do not kiss at least for real, +more natural… but then, they do such kiddo-fake-smoochie as their first kiss? ๐Ÿ™
    waaaaaaaaaaaaaa guys …
    seriously….u must improve on this part bcos – its so irritating to see such a kiss after all what happend before lol – there was a bit more expectation of : passion, excitement + love in their first kiss – and not some fake-lip-on-lip-for-2minute-without-moving-or-any-expression-kiss ๐Ÿ˜€
    i hope – still hope – this will change in the next epยดs till end lol, but i had to say that sorry <3

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