4 Comments to “The Miracle of Teddy Bear (2022) Episode 16

  1. Im so sad nat good the ending from ep1 to 15 very good story so that i always watching thise drama from 1 to 15 i gave 5 star but ep 16 0 star that all

  2. I cried my eyes out but It feels like they move on too fast after Tofu left. I was really hoping for Tofu to be back and be with Nut (not as a teddy bear).

  3. Trashhhhhhh I can’t believe we went through all of that for them to not even be together

  4. i wish i have tofu in my life,
    so many times im goosebumps,until now i was so loney wath happened to tofu he dont deserves that kind of death.
    nice story so many twist i give and perfect reviewed.

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