The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 4

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7 Comments to “The Hidden Moon (2024) Episode 4

  1. Oh, and one more thing…I am confident that the whole episode of ‘going into the forest looking for their friends and coming back’ happened two separate timelines probably, or may be in two different dimensions/planes?

    This is because the trio were shown in two different set of attires…in the first one Khen was wearing a navy full sleeve tshirt with white stripes…and in the other he was wearing a cobalt blue overshirt teamed with a off-white tshirt…unless these two happened the evening earlier and the morning after, which seemed unlikely, these are probably two different timelines or dimensions…..that rainbow that they saw, also has to have some clue in it, though not clear at this point in time

  2. Ok, more intrigue was added in this episode…..they are still spooling and weaving the canvas of the story…and a complete pattern is yet to emerge…

    But as I had guessed earlier, Khen and Mas have had run-ins even earlier than this timeline….we saw a flash of that in this episode….when Mas’s mother died and Khen was seen comforting him and telling him that hings will be alright in the future…but neither seem to remember that, even though they vaguely sense a familiarity, and even an attraction that they cannot explain….

    I just love this kind of stories where the leads had loved, then got lost in the entrails of time, and then again get back to remember and fall back in love…I’m expecting something similar to happen with this story….😍

    The nails lady, as earlier guessed, is a performer/dancer …who probably came in contact with the Coleridge family because Mas was a close friend of the Prince who was about to get married….she was probably part of the performers entourage for the wedding/engagement ceremony….

    But, yes I agree that it is still quite confusing since people from neither of the timelines are clear why they are crossing over to the other timeline….at times Mas says things which makes it seem like he knows more about why Khen is here, but then again, says other things that confuses me again….

    In short, I’m very much intrigued….but I’m starting to worry if they will be able to tie the loose ends in another 6 episodes without rushing it…and uif they don’t do it in this season, will we be waiting forever for a second season like ‘I feel you Linger in the Air’, which like literally ‘lingers in the air’ because of how it ended with a promise for more, and then left us high and dry 😒

  3. I’m sorry but no matter how much I love my friends I’m not gonna follow them into a forest after one of them ran into it screaming like that ESPECIALLY if the forest is behind the freaky ghost house we can’t get leave. Idk if that makes me a bad friend but I just wouldn’t be about to do it. Anyway I think Namwa and that other guy probably went so far into the forest that they just left the force surrounding the house, kinda like Wandavision and that border around the town

  4. At the moment, Im gonna let this drama run, and binge watch the whole lot of it.
    It’s so intriguing that I don’t want to wait till the next week to keep disturbing my mind as to what’s happening next. Even people on the otherwise or in the other world don’t understand what’s going on too. What a beguiling storyline!
    I so much want to delve into individual’s past as it looks like everyone of them has interwoven past that connect them into that world!

  5. Yea Mas…….”WE” the VIEWERS DON’T understand either…..Chuckles………..I KNOW…..I ALWAYS complain about FILLER episodes BUTT ONE WOULD BE REALLY GREAT ABOUT NOW…….Like HOW this house is ‘haunted’……..Like ‘we’ KNOW that Mr. Thomas Coleridge died IN the war BUTT HOW did Mas and his sisters Dara and Pin die?????? AND WHOM IS the women that has vines coming from her arms??? and the other women with the long gold metal nails??? ARE they ONE AND THE SAME OR IS the women with the nails AND the women with the vines DIFFERENT here??????? AND WHY IS it that Bing IS the ONLY one that CAN SEE/ HEAR/ TALK to Ghosts and NOBODY believes him??? AND NOW Khen is seeing/hearing them??? WHY????? WHAT’S the connection with this ‘haunted’ well supposedly “haunted” house and Khen????? There NOT going to put a ‘romantic’ spin on this are they…….. Oh Vey………….
    WAIT! HOW do Khen and Mas KNOW each other………… We NEED that filler episode A.S.A.P.!!!!
    Did ANYBODY notice that Khen WAS wearing the SAME blue shirt{ after coming back from looking for Ton, Toh and whats her name} that he was wearing from the earlier flashback with Khen consoling Mas when Mas was younger?????
    So NOW Bing, Toh, Ton and what’s her name AREN’T there/ NEVER were there??? OKAY………LOL
    Well HELLO there Romance……WAS NOT expecting to see you here……Come on in though and take a seat right here…..LOL
    Are the Ghost Prince and his delusional captive house guest Khen getting married next week or what……Chuckles….Man this drama is WILD!! LOL

  6. I’m not so sure what I should think about this episode and this show in general.
    The acting is great and the story is very intriguing, but I feel like the writing is off.
    It makes scenes feel out of place at times and it makes it feel like stuff is missing.
    I know it isn’t the acting, becaise their emotions are potrayed very well, they’re just too erratic at times, which makes it difficult to get into it.

    I’ll definitely finish watching it, and I hope it will improve, but right now it’s just taking me out of the experience a lot.

    Now to the episode itself, The girl and her boyfriend sure as hell did not leave. Idk what happened, but they weren’t able to leave.
    I wonder why Khens head started bleeding in his dream.
    Also what does Mas see, everytime Khen wakes up?? Does he just evaporate into thin air?? That would be kinda funny.
    And last, dear Khen, falling in love with a ghost is a terrible idea. It never ends well.

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