5 Comments to “Tender Light (2024) Episode 28

  1. so this is why people were disappointed with the ending but its true tho how is the FL not at the end of the drama while her daughter and ML are there tbh it had some great moments but it also had bad/boring moments. Until next time. PEACE

  2. ? they probably had to have this ending to pass the Chinese censorship board.. because what a load of bs. They shouldve stuck to the novel ending but I guess we cant have police officers being wrong of anything. They must prevail at all cost and show justice always wins. smh.. everyone that deserved to get punished did not.. the victim herself never saw one day of peace.

  3. Im glad theres still give little scene for the detective emotional feeling ..his cried beacuse he was hopless for the love his been carry on all along witnessing hows Nayas tried hard to protect zhao lu at any cost make him even belived they love each others .. but what make him more get emotional because his desperated to help Naya because his belived Naya was victim too .. just like his mom was got the same experiences ..he can feel those pains nayas been through ..perhaps in Nayas eyes he just only a detective and stranger whos doing his job ..but actually behind her back he was the one whos tried hard to make the possibilities free her for being murder but witnessing how determind nayas protecting zhao lu was overwhelming situation for him ..and when the cassete was recoverd how joyfull he was that Naya finnally free from the murder case it was meaningfull scenes for detective charachter and delivered it with very epic ..at the end this drama give good gift for viewers by not make sad ending and put every charachters in right places ..where zhao lu’s charachter at the end of drama at last scene describe him just as innoncent young boy whos tried living in normal ways together with his friends and his girl classmate were happy seeing him was save and sound ..while naya charachters suddenly gone when this drama ended ..did we realize actually the viewera was been trick by zhao lu charachter whos been creepy and suspicous for whole 27 episodes ?? while the truth of murder was self defense and it was an accident by the victim himself stabed the knife on his own ..are we as viewers feel surpises by the ending? ?

  4. Good drama. I would recommend it.

    The only issue I had was the “love interest between Na Ya and Zhao Lu” I just never felt it. ?
    Also, I mostly found Zhou Lou annoying and in most cases, he made things worse for her. Yes, his intent was good but he is just too immature. Covering up the “murder” made the situation worse for Na Ya.

  5. Such a shame that there was no reprieve for Nan Ya in the end. In the end I do not know who annoyed me the most, that crush-turned-police officer, the insecure ex-best friend, the girl that had a crush on Zhou Lou, the psychopath that believed everything wrong in his life was Zhou Lou’s fault. I cannot decide. 28 episodes and they could not spare a few minutes for her to experience true peace. So much vim and effort to convict her of murder but not enough energy to put her abusive husband in jail. Death is more kindness that Xu yi deserves. Zhou luo’s mother will always feel like Nan ya destroyed her son’s life, unfair but I can get why she would think that. I do not consider this a happy ending and I feel this was rushed but a good drama all in all.

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