Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 15
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Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16.1
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16.2
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 15
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 15
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 14
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 14
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 13
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 13
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 12
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 12
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 11
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 11
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 10
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 10
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 9
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 9
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 8
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 8
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 7
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 7
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 6
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Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 5
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 5
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Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 4
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 3
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 3
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Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 2
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Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 15
*You're watching Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 15 with english subtitles. Stay tuned with us for watching the latest episodes of Queen of Tears (2024)!
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Queen of Tears (2024) Special 2 Episode 16.2
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Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16.1
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 16.2
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 15
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 15
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 14
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 14
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 13
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 13
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 12
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 12
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 11
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 11
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 10
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 10
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 9
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 9
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 8
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 8
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 7
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 7
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 6
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 6
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 5
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Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 4
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 3
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 3
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 2
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 2
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 1
Queen of Tears (2024) Episode 1
come ooonnn we already saw that coming where’s the creativity writers?? the buildup at the end was soo obvious, I kept thinking that they implied that hyunwoo was intelligent and he wass for the most part like during his case but why couldn’t he predict that the mother-son duo could totally do something dangerous from their past records and even going alone to get the surgery was soo foolish I mean the parents weren’t really busy doing anything why couldn’t they tag along it was THEIR DAUGHTERR no matter how much they trusted him. I know it’s for the plot and we should throw our brains away to enjoy but these were some of my thoughts while watching.
also did grace do something with the package did she put it in her room or something?
my baby soo choel did soo gooddd i kept repeating the part where he fought and I’m soo happy for the aunt I don’t know how they’re gonna wrap up her story but I’m glad the man looks like he got some feelings for her too
is there no one to put some sense in hae in
how come only eun song is able to influence her
Hae-In’s family didn’t even try to visit her in Germany is just crazyyyyyyy I get that her father is on the no fly list but her mom? aunt Beomja?? Soo-cheol??? THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FILTHY RICH. ARE THEY SAVING UP FOR THE PLANE TICKET? WHERE’S THEIR PRIVATE PLANE. LMAO
And I was counting on secretary Na to spill the teaaa but damn she failed us. The secretary Na that we know was willing to get fired just to help Hae-in..
We just gotta ignore the plot holes lol.
Anyways evil miss ma’am Seul-hee looks sooooo good in that bayonetta glasses that it should be illegal. 8
me while watching this episode: Should I k1ll myself? yesss hyunwoo yesss goo!! LOVE U SECRETERY!! AUNTT BEOM JI SARANGHE !! damn I love this duo. should I k1ll myself? SOOOCHEEEOLL !! NO I CANT DO THIS SHIT ANYMORE!!
the way i predicted both things to happen in the end and still got surprised when it did?
eun song is the most delululu villain i have ever seen in kdrama history
Can this show get any more dramatic??????? Please let me them have their happy ending now THEYVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGHGHGHHGHGHHHHH
They’re really dragging the good guy vs bad guy script writing. Good thing tomorrow’s the final episode.
Did her memory return after reading the diary or she just realize that the person she should be with is Hyunwoo?
just kill me
We all need friends like hyunwoo’s
I don’t know why suddenly everyone fact checking it. guys writer has written CLOY and LOBS. Mermaids aren’t real and you can’t just parachute to north korea. chill
predictable episodei was thinking someone will be kidnapped or hit by a car and the two things happen?
I love this bro
I’M GOING INSANE. SHE FUCKING READ THE NOTEBOOK AND THIS MF RUN OVER HYUN WOO. I read that someone thinks Hyun Woo will die in the end and im not liking this preriew but i also never trust it. I still believe in a happy ending if not the writer is going to be sued.
I am just watching the rial but I am literally acting like soocheol!! like I am just so happy I feel like I am at the court right now
That ending scene was so predictable! My daughter who hasn’t watch any of this drama was watching the ending and said, is he gonna get hit by a truck???
One more episode tomorrow! I can’t believe the show is almost to its end. Also I want to share some interesting facts about Queen of Tear in case you don’t know. Correct me if I’m wrong.
1. IU was originally the first actress to be offered the role but she declined.
2. Kim Hyun Woo is creating OST for Queen of Tear as a appreciation and a thank you gift for the viewers.
3. Queen of Tear have become the highest rated K-drama in TvN history, dethroning Crash Landing on you.
Soooo many car crashes in one single drama ?why why why
What a fking psycopath.. whats his end game here , the truth will come out ..
So is he living in a fantasy land.? you fkd urself over… the hit and run.. and he is even tracking her… wtf..
The script really went downhill giving the villains too much power /screen time and succes. im sure i wont rewatch the show. ofcourse some episodes were great but like … 75% is evil winning…
i really do hate it when kdramas give a satisfying ending at the end of the season (ep16) … so evil was winning the 15 episodes. only 1 episode for a win for the goodies (ep 16).
Last QOT weekend is here ? (although I’m interested to see what the special episodes are if not a cast recap like OBS). I’ll be honest to say that the one thing I’m glad is Eun-seong going well beyond the irredeemable part of whatever path he’s on. It’s honestly infuriating how naive he is as well thinking that all he could do was lie to get what he wants. Was expecting a bit less predictablility in how this episode went with her memories/ falling in love again and I saw the ending from an absolute mile away. Was looking forward to last episode being purely focused on revenge but will just have to see how it goes. If anyone is interested in a really beautiful love story focused around memory loss I highly recommend First Love Hatsukoi
BRO IS GETTING ON MY NERVES WHY CANT HE BACK DOWN FIRST TAKING HYUNGWOO’S STORY AS HIS OWN THE GOING ON TO SAY MY MAN HAD AN AFFAIR LIKE HE NEEDS TO BE SLIENT AND STAY ON HIS SIDE OR DONT AND BE SILENCED thank god the book didn’t fully burn even if it did she had already had her doubts and the book was there to give her a
push the AUDACITY this creature had to hit hyunwoo with a car is sending me to hell for my thoughts s
she simply could watch the news about her press conference when she exposed eunsong that her husband was threathened. Wasnt it live? Surely there’s gotta be a lot of exposure on that
thats it I am kill1ng myself
I should’ve waited until tomorrow so I could watch 15 and 16 back to back naurrr. Now i gotta wait for the 16th episode hanging on a thread ughhhh.
Yess even the BEST dramas are bound to fall at the end!! So unnecessary? I wouldn’t mind a sad impactful ending rather than this dumbshit
This is now one of the most annoying dramas I’ve ever seen. Villains aside, I was expecting the queens family to be wiser. How could the grandpa not look into that btch at all? He lived with her for more than 20 years and his daughter found out in a few seconds all about her background, while he had no clue what she was doing behind.
I was also expecting them to somehow fight the 2 freaks but we have 1 episode left and it looks as if the villains are smarter and always have the upper hand. I mean, the queens fam should’ve had some proof and get rid of them but the love story prevails, I guess.
The fact that nobody could come to take care of her in Germany is most absurd to me. I mean, they could’ve sent even ML’s parents or whoever. If they contacted the hospital and told them to keep FL away from that freak, the hospital for sure would’ve done that.
I hate when the writers leave everything for the last episode, and most probably the queens family will become super smart in ep 16 and they’ll get rid of the 2 freaks in seconds.
“Disappointed” is an understatement…
The ending… I know it’s going to happen.. but still startled me.
why is it not working ?
All the family has to do it is, to show her the video of her rejecting the villian that’s it..
We’re in the final stretch guys and im extremely devastated!!! I don’t want it to end!! TT
I don’t think ive truly despised a character as much as I do eun seong, every moment he is on screen I feel like I need to take a two hour long shower just to get that grimy feeling off me. seriously, Park sung hoon has absolutely nailed the villain character, I genuinely couldn’t see any other actor be so authentically malicious and selfish as PSH made this character, props to him. I think this will be his type cast from now on but if it aint broke don’t fix it lmao.
and yet again, as per the dramas name, I cried like a baby throughout the episode, even during the funny ‘stalking’ bits, it hurt my heart that haein was so close yet so far away from her true feelings!! I wish this was resolved in this episode so the last one can be all fluff but as it stands I can only see that happening during the last 15 minutes of tomorrows episode, shame but I loved every moment of this drama!
I’m so glad haein had extra precautions in place in the event that something went wrong, and the small clues that she hid for herself in order to recognise hyunwoo! the aquarium scene was sooooo cute!! and I was SCREAMING when it turned out that the book didn’t burn!! it seems their good luck is following them albeit very cautiouslygiven hyunwoos accident at the end TT
Also beom ja and yeong song are so cute but he’s seriously so clueless HAHAHA, I can’t wait to see them finally get together!!!
And soo-cheol!!! my my my what a man!! He shows his love so openly and honestly and how I wish more men were like him, even though he’s a little bit silly sometimes he’s so genuine!! The scene where he was smashing the car windows was so WOOOJOFOHGFUEW!! and when he got his lick back!! he fought so well im so proud of him!! Now give him and da-hye a happy ending and leave them out of this mess!!!
Now as for eun seong’s mother, what an evil nasty witch, throwing ur son under the bus when you claim to be doing all this for him??? I cannot stress enough how excited I am to see her get her due penance.
THIS is what true Kdrama is all about! For Kdramas like these someone starts watching them, and remembers them even when he watches many other dramas after it, there are always couple od those special ones! And this is one od them! Thank you for making such a beautiful story ❤
This episode is inspired by Hindi serials especially the star plus , Zee TV ones. Only thing that’s missing is the Dhoom ta na na na music.
Everything was going well and at the last episode the writer ruined the whole plot. In which episode will be seeing eunsung suffering and getting destroyed. We are just circling the whole plot without time skip. Praying that these kdrama writer will be always be inspired by kdramas only.
Why does the writer have to use the most useless kdrama thrope of crossing the street and being hit by a car?This show would have been a 10 but it is now 9.5 because of this IMO. Haiz, Can’t wait for final episode tmw and see the villains in jail! What a ride it has been. Today’s episode’s best moment was Beom Ja ‘s confession on PA similar to DOTS.
Lol, we got a cameo from both of his hit dramas. Wasn’t expecting a MLFTS cast cameo.
Baek Hyun Woo’s composure is top notch. Imagine knowing your most loved one ONLY trusting the original villain in your story. Normal people would’ve gone rogue. But since he’s playing the long game, he keeps his composure in check. That’s how much confidence and trust he have over himself and HaeIn. Such a complete human being ?❤️
Also lastly, an open letter to ALL WRITERS IN KOREA please stop torturing my man. Haein is right. Seeing Kim Soo Hyun cry can pull all of our heartstrings ???? And yet he kept crying in all of his dramass ??????
oh sh!t, i should have waited till tomorrow.
Teh village always believed in HW innocence ? I hope so they know normally the whole village turns against the family but it looks like they knew HW wouldn’t kill anyone . At least this was a happy moment but we need to see Es suffer and his mom too
Eun Sung is on another level of unrequited “love” actually him and his mother I really don’t know what their definition of love is they are both creeping me out! that was a nice cameo of these 3… Aunt and Mr. Yeong Song ack!!! I love them! Soo Cheol FINALLY being a man! this episode is great!!! though I really didn’t expect that realization for Hae In I’m actually asking an episode of her being really confused as to why she finds Hyun Woo hot even though he’s really painted a bad guy.
and seriously they really have to do this with us, was it really necessary to get haein being decieved, soocheol getting beaten up,
the writers maybe really hate the leads and second leads but love the villain
Something never gonna change ??
Seriously??? just when I was thinking this episode wasn’t as sad the hit me with the last scene ?. Com’on now, let me catch me breath at least
I’m not risking my sanity for this. I’m watching this tomorrow with the season finale for my heart’s well being ????
my stress level ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️. have to wait until
tomorrow ?
ES’s character was so easily hated because he barely had enough lines and just needed an entitled pissy face.. but beyond that.. the writer wrote his twisted thought process so well.
It’s not the actor guys, he’s not even doing that well now that he’s got more screen time and it really shows.
His character is an entitled brat who takes advantage of everything he can and then plays victim. that’s why he’s so hated. cause he’s a next level loser. not because he’s so good at being evil.
Am I the only one getting error? I’m not able to watch ep-15 !!!!!
Will skip this one till tomorrow’s final, it’s too nerve wrecking watching this episode ?
I really wanna ask cz I really dun know….
can anyone become a guardian all of a sudden without the patient’s or patient’s family’s consent??? I mean Hyun woo would be the registered guardian, he would’ve signed for her surgery, how can Eun sung become her guardian all of a sudden while Hyun woo is getting arrested and she’s still unconscious???? how did the hospital allow that???
I know they told through the nurses that he donated a big amount and probably bribed the hospital director, but still, shouldn’t her family be informed before the discharge??? and that too when such a big incident happened right after her surgery that her husband got arrested for murder in another country??? no one questioned her or Yoon eun sung and the legitimacy of him being her guardian??? ?♀️?♀️?♀️
the best men, love love love them ❤️❤️❤️ #friendshipgoals
Waiting for last two episodes to come out to watch.
I literally jumped in this scene, couldn’t breath for a couple seconds ????
just how much time the husband and wife has to spend in the hospital??? leave them alone now…..
Am i going to watch this or should i just wait for tomorrows finale? Because i think i cant sleep of frustration lmao
Is the episode not working for anyone else or just me?
Yoon eun sung made up all the stories and then just left Hae in on her own so she can doubt all she wants and figure out everything in the end….I mean, what’s the point of lying to her when you’re not gonna keep an eye on her for where she’s going, whom she’s meeting and what she’s getting from where???? ???…he put a tracker on her car, and just let it be….she met Hyun woo nth times, followed him, met her previous secretary, got a parcel from Germany and not a single time Yoon eun sung knew or bothered to find out where she is and what she’s doing, like, seriously???? man, shouldn’t u be glued to Hae in all the time so she can trust u more and doesn’t get to meet anyone she knew before??? RIP and Fu*k logic I guess!!!!
and he’s sitting like a dumb in the house waiting for her and asking her where she was….?♀️?♀️
sorry but no sorry, Yoon eun song’s character is plain idiot, so much so that he couldn’t even get rid of one teeny tiny diary and it made its way back to its owner safe and sound…..
there is something I need to say about German laws:
our Laws don’t mess around with data privacy. Haein was admitted in the hospital with Hyunwoo as her gardian. Unless he give away his rights nobody else not directly related to her like her family can be her gardian. The hospital wouldn’t allow Eunsong to stay at her side even more now that she got a brain surgery. The same should be applied for international patients too. Even with Hyunwoo being taken away, the hospital would have asked him who else can be Haein emergency contact. in any case it wouldn’t be Eunsong unless The Hongs give their authorisation or he presented fake documents about them being married or something else like corruption. The same way Haein would stay unter the Hospital custody until the Korean embassy is contacted for her family to come for her.
So it’s just for the plot sake and it’s so creepy to happen in a German hospital so I needed to give some clarification
Why director why, why it’s always HW getting most of the injury please save him after the accident for God’s sake. Really happy that they brought HN memory in this episode only and didn’t dragged it for long.It was really heart touching episode especially the part where HN was reading her own diary and it was a great move by her before the surgery. I hope they give an amazing end to this drama. Adding one more thing, I guess we have to agree that HW is the biggest brain in this drama like man got out of jail on his own like he already knew how to deal with the situation like ES was dump as hell with sending him to jail it wasn’t even that big of the deal for HW to get out
ML family is tight nice to see then rally together and auntie will be living in village soon
Watching the scene of HI meeting HW in jail I was like “Girl!! You’ve fallen in love again” ? All that heart racing and following him around ?
At least she read the diary and remembered Hyunwoo. I can’t stand Eunseong, he keeps manipulating HaeIn. The ending is so sad ?
I’m glad that Hyun-woo has recognised how hidden Hae-in’s love is. She was never taught how to love openly and would always do things behind Hyun-woo’s back to show her love for him. If he found out a long time ago, they would have never gotten divorced.
It’s not a kdrama if they don’t overhear a serious conversation on a speaker!
OMG I did not know someone could make me so mad that I want to puke .Seriously I want to puke all over ES because he makes me sooooo sick . The lies all the lies are so sickening
Things need while watching QOT
1. Closed room , so one can watch us crying ? ?
2. Box of Tissue
3. Headache,BP pills after crying and angry mode ?
Hope this week we get Happy Tears . Baek Hyun woo – Hong hae in you can do it. ?
Hae-in and her friend are best friend goals. When girls have a crush, it’s something the whole friendship group is always in on, and we make plans to see what their crushes are life. ?
somethings will never change he’ll always be her bus man ?
i’m crying??
they meet at their engagement venue and their wedding video is played behind, the way she prepared all the surprises for hyunwoo a month before but she also can’t remember every detail about it?PAIN
but later she got the burnt dairy, saw everything she written about them and hyunwoo
and she remembers everything that “i’m sorry baek hyunwoo.” they decided to meet but pdnim had to punish them and us
the only happy thing happened in today’s ep is beomja and yeongsong talking about their relationship not realizing their voices were connected to a microphone. the entire village saw and cheered on them what a moment lol?
the scene where haein thinks if hyunwoo holds her but her bag strap gets caught on the chair help
this kinda reminds me of that true beauty scene where jookyung stuck her blazer on the door but she was thinking suho was holding it lol
Hae-in fell for Hyun-woo after they got when they first got together, after they got divorced, when she was a high schooler, when she was a child and after she lost all her memory. Hyun-woo never stopped loving Hae-in, even when he thought she wasn’t wealthy, even when he saw her once as a child, even when she lost her memory and treated him horribly. True love exists in many ways.
What is wrong with the detail , Brain surgery but no hair loss … did i missing something for what kind of treatment she been through ..? or any some sort of story behind it ..
I called it 5 episodes ago, when the villian said he saved her brother, he was the one the actually killed him. I was wondering how he knew the brother was there if Hyun-woo was the one who saved him!
My mood while watching Yoon narrating lies to Hae-in, filling in his narratives into things she wrote in her notebook to help regain her memory after the surgery. however, he couldn’t outsmart Hyun-Woo.
Rest assured… We believe …
I’m going to miss this show dearly. My body had adapted to knowing when it releases every week and I just sit and wait for it all day. It really was a breakthrough for the k-drama industry, and it should begin a new age of longer, well-written, well-casted kdramas with 10/10 chemistry.
And it is not working
yayyyyy it’s qot dayyyyyyyy???
and then again, i’m realizing that tomorrow qot is gonna end and i’m not ready to let them go? and i really really really want a happy ending or else i won’t be able to help myself from getting a trauma again and i don’t want it
p.s: it’s ep 15 and tomorrow is the ending and we are still on this never ending twists and turns
ㅠㅠ couple doing the ㅠㅠ pose and them doing cheek heart pose awww??
The stress levels fr!!! ????
Me everytime I see that shibal sekki!!
Eun Sung’s worst mistake is and will always be underestimating Hyun Woo and Haein. The court scene was the epitome of that mistake. You will never be as smart as Hyun Woo. And he realised that and has totally lost his effin mind!
And why was Hae In so cute this episode. Her stalking him was so fun to watch!!
Arrgghhh Nooooo!
Ok, so we have 1 more episode to find out how her brother died , 1031, takedown the evil guys ,rescue HaeIn , heal our ML .
We are fighting for our lives here
WTF is the ending. better not watch today’s ep… you are going to be just super mad coz GRRRRRRRR
wee woo