Nothing Uncovered (2024) Episode 12

6 Comments to “Nothing Uncovered (2024) Episode 12

  1. The story is going no where. Now the husband is both the killer of the FL’s husband and his lover. The writer is lost on how to connect the title to the story. No more rendezvous, Go straight to the point, who is and who is not the murdered. Forget about the romantic part between the Detective and the FL.

  2. I think we all knew the husband Woo Jae is a sleeze and that he was hiding something other than his affair with the actress. I’m not certain that Woe Jae murdered Jung Won’s Father either, it may have been the Secretary Joon Ho under the orders of the Father and the actress too.

    The actress was stabbed by Soo Rin but she didn’t die and was still alive so Joon Ho finished the job. Woo Jae may not have done the actual killing other than the car accident but he was in on all the cover ups. They buried Na Ri to cover up her being killed by Woo Jae. I may be wrong but this is why it’s going the whole 16 episodes. There’s more to the story, a lot more.

  3. Why would she stay overnight with a murderer?
    If you knew that the father of your baby was a murderer, would you have an abortion? How would the child be able to handle knowing that growing up?

  4. My life might be more intriguing then this drama I need answers and have no friends lol so I’m gonna leave it here in hopes someone can answer.. my boyfriend of 6 years has been talking to other woman via texts and online messaging hes also been in online relationships with heaps of woman but he claims it’s ok an it’s not cheating because he isn’t physically touching them… I haven’t a clue how to think cause one point he’s right and then it’s wrong sooooo people from all over the world near or far lol is it ok or nah ?? ?

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