My Love Mix-Up! (2024) Episode 4

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11 Comments to “My Love Mix-Up! (2024) Episode 4

  1. That slap! 😂😂😂😂
    At first I thought she imagined doing it. Lol

    I need all episodes to be released nowwwwwww.

  2. Mudmee: 1
    Half: 0
    Mudmee SHOULD HAVE slapped him a SECOND time HARDER LOL
    Hell!! I WISH it WAS THAT easy to fall in LOVE with somebody JUST by slapping them LOL
    The bus scene WAS CUTE!!
    So NEXT week IS confession time!! YAY!!!!!!!!!………………..IS IT NEXT week yet LOL

    It’s good that Atom finally told Kong the truth about the eraser. But it’s sad he didn’t tell him the rest of the story. :0)

    Half being completely clueless makes me laugh.

    Oh no. Kong leaving to ‘have business’ with Clair is so disappointing for Atom. It was sad to see him hide the towel he got for him too. drat.

    Glad that worked out, and now Atom knows what’s up with Clair and Kong. (and Khaopan) lol
    Atom was so cute on the bus!
    This was a light and fluffy episode.

    Looking forward to the misunderstandings and fluff in the next episode. lol

  4. I hope all the three ship sails the ocean 🌊 I mean all of them have unique love stories and different from each others . That half is kin- ………….never mind

  5. the special sounds in the background are terrible idea! seriously I can’t follow the story because they are continously putting some annoying and NOT necessary sound! T_T

  6. That shot of Mudmee slapping Half😂Oh god help😂. And the fact that Claire likes Khaopan really caught me off guard. But Atom just hitting the ball away, that was golden. Ah, so many laughs this episode

  7. omg this episode was a 10/10 this was the best one yet in my opinion like mundee slapping half to help realize some times he should just stay out of people business. The whole episode had me laughing so hard I have no complaints literally fourth is doing so good with this roll. I love how half realized his mistake and tried to instantly fix it really showed great character on his part and mundee too because she refused to let half talk bad about him even tho she has a crush on him. The couples really complement each other really well mundee and atom alliance to half just being nosy which furthers the story along but the show is great because how all 4 interact with each other. My favorite part of this episode when atom smacked the hell out of that ball from Claire I actually fell out because he really just said nobody getting his man heart. The clueless kongthap finally realized he likes atom and I was like finally because he was way to clueless about his feelings last episode hopefully he learns to open up more emotionally as the story progresses.

  8. 😆 There’s another love mix up between Claire and Kaopan. 🫶

    Mudmee and Half brought together by slaps. 😆 🖐️

    Atom’s over reactions…too cute. 🫰

    Konthap is booksmart but when it comes to matters of the heart, it’s good that he has Kaopan and Claire.

    Atom sleepy head is way too close to Thap’s rapid beating heart.

    Looking fwd to the legendary hard drill camp training. ⛺

  9. June 29, 2024 (12:41 AM)
    ☑️ My Love Mix-up!, Episode 4 @kisskh*co

    June 29, 2024
    ☑️Sasaki to Miyano @ kisskh*co
    BL Anime Series

  10. If you look past drinks, contact lenses and whatnot, you might notice they’ve sneaked in a tiny amount of story between product placements.

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