My Happy Ending (2023) Episode 11

12 Comments to “My Happy Ending (2023) Episode 11

  1. That miscarriage was Soon Young’s child. That must be why Yoon Jin coveted Ah Rin. She blamed Jae Won for it and took Ah Rin as the replacement for that child. She didn’t care if Ah Rin was Soon Young’s child or not. Just wanted to gain revenge for the miscarriage seven years back.

  2. I gotta say that I have so much respect for JW for getting herself admitted to the hospital.. I have such great respect for anyone who gets professional help for themselves instead of just pretending they aren’t suffering/or harming themselves and others.

  3. every eps leaves me more lost than the other… How did JW get her medication if she didnt go to a doctor all this time?
    Why did she hallucinate that doctor is her friend?
    What’s the motive of that creepy no morals detective?

  4. It’s hard too see this little itty bitty tiny thing looking menacing and dark like she’s bout to go on some murderous spree dealing vengeance to all those who’ve slighted her but yooooooooooohh!!!! Guess that’s gonna happen? ?

  5. Wait till cray cray comes to know that it was her daddy doodle doo who orchestrated the SA on SJW and she lost her baby because of her daddy and her baby daddy

  6. Someone throw Yoon Jin in the psychiatric ward and throw the keys again. Claiming another woman’s child as hers. The height of craziness

  7. It was a great episode with some very emotional scenes, the time to say goodbye to AR.

    I love the chemistry between JW & Te Oh and want them to end up together with AR as a
    family. In a way there are already…

    I liked how even the journalist compared KYJ to JW….
    KYJ needs psychiatric treatment, thinking that AR was her daughter from the beginning….

    I am glad they didn’t drag JW’s treatment in the hospital and she is back in full force
    to kick ass…

  8. Omg Yoon Jin is creepy , drawing Ah Rin and giving her gifts. Does she think Ah Rin is her daughter or what ? Jae Won is back for revenge, I can’t wait

  9. Very very emotional, thrilling episode. Respect for Seo Jae Won, she is a very strong woman. Determined and confident of taking revenge her own way. Like how she is going to tackle all her enemies. Also very anticipating for the more episodes to come. I have to agree that Jang Na Ra’s acting skills is superb.

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