My Happy Ending (2023) Episode 10

10 Comments to “My Happy Ending (2023) Episode 10

  1. So many questions on SoonYeong’s death… the location, no fingerprints, the specific poison used, binding marks on his wrists, no useful camera footage… its like his murder was planned and used as a tool to destabilize JaeWon and seize control of her company for good.

    Kwon is really standing out as the greatest beneficiary here. He only sent his lawyer to represent JaeWon to save face, but he was quick to push JaeWon out and put YoonJin in charge. He has his secret henchman he sends out on dirtywork, plus he has already shaken hands with YoonJin’s scumbag ex! After the incident with SoonYeong exposing him for what he did to JaeWon, I wouldn’t be surprised if they came together and had SoonYeong killed before the whole secret could get out.

  2. Her pain is so deep for anyone to understand. She was by her own struggling cause she was scared that people will harm her again and again and they are , now her husband’s death added more pain. The scene when she was crying in street really made me tear up. It’s awful to lose someone who is dear so sudden and she portrayed that perfectly.
    Yunjin is simply a crazy psycho who wants to covet everything from Jaewon , that jealousy turned into obsession .
    I really am curious bout Tae Oh’s story.
    Her revenge will start now , I can’t wait to see how she would sabotage Yunjin and her Father.

  3. omg! what is happening? is this all a dream? I’m lost on this scene. Would help if someone can explain. So TeoOh and YGin are childhood friends? I thought they met abroad while studying.

  4. That man didn’t deserve to die coz of two foolish women’s ignorance n stupidity. All he did was raise someone’s child like his own while his wife was hiding something big n winning in career while that poor guy looking after someone’s child n doing housework. This whole plot of I don’t remember anything starting to annoy n unable to sympathise with her

  5. 우리 불쌍한 BULLDOZER its so not fair I can’t believe hes dead again in a 2nd Drama ??? Why is this drama called Happy Ending? Dont see any of it…im in tears nothing left?

  6. I love the fact that Te Oh letting that psycho Yoon Jin know that she’s the cause of her problems and delusional. I suspect her father killed SY. Te Oh and Jae Won better have a happy ending. How can someone want another woman’s child that she didn’t birth just cos she lost her own child omg crazy stuffs are happening in this drama. Waiting for JW’s revenge.

  7. For a moment, I have suspected the step father because of the pesticide use, but it seems that it’s Kwon and his shadow killer who are behind SY’s death.

    I love Hwasa’s song, at the ocean scene. It was a perfect choice as the theme was “my happy ending”, the choice to end ones’ life as being the only option…. She sang the same song during the SBS Drama Awards in December, also in tribute to Lee Sun Kyun. My heart still aches for losing such a talented actor.

    The preview hints already at the revenge preparation. JW took the right decision to treat herself and at the same time work on her retaliation plan. I really can’t wait for the next episodes.

  8. So everyone speculated correctly the fl’s friendwas a figure of her imagination that’s quite sad.

  9. Very strong, tough lady. Can see that she is struggling very very hard with work, family and love. Fortunately, there is a childhood admirer called Tae Ho always there for her. She will not follow her mother’s way of life that’s why she is treating mentally herself now. Revenge starts now, very anticipating drama. Worth watching….. I believe the truth will be revealed from Soo kyun’s smart watch. At the end, she gets back everything that belongs to her. That’s why it’s titled “My Happy Ending”.

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