7 Comments to “Missing Crown Prince (2024) Episode 8

  1. Some long term pain might have been avoided had the Empress Dowager blurted out in front of everyone that she couldn’t marry the King because she had slept with her fiance.

  2. Even tho it hurts my heart what that EVIL NO GOOD king did…………..it still does NOT JUSTIFY what the QD & Choi are doing now!
    This was ALL Chois FAULT bcs he was warned & also he had many many YEARS TO MARRY HER but he DIDNT.

    They, OF ALL PEOPLE, should know the HURT OF BETRAYAL, GREED & MURDER OF ONES FAMILY MEMBERS just so YOU can get what YOU want. IMO, this makes them just as EVIL & NO GOOD as the previous king bcs they are doing the EXACT SAME THING HE DID TO THEM!!!

    BTW……….. I think this is ALL Choi’s doing, HE wants POWER, HE wants to be ON TOP OF EVERYONE, NOT so much the QD.
    I think hes doing all this to prove a point that NOW he can NEVER be treated like that again bcs HE HAS THE LAST SAY as he is NOT powerless like he was back then

  3. They will arrest him again next episode? For 7-8 time. I hope his supporters and his grandpa prepared things already. I mean they made connection the army in the training center. Who will have the army on his side will win. So if he return with the army in the capital will be game over. Don’t tell me she will free him again on the road back. But he knew they will search for him at his grandpa residence. I think The CP have the seals with him, they give him the power, with them he can use the army.

  4. Even if shit happened in the past, the old king was definitely at fault, I don’t understand why queen dowager have to do all this shit along with Choi. She is in a high position, she could have said she would like to live her life in seclusion outside of the palace and lived with whoever she wanted. Like why she have to keep the whole political power in her hands and continue to kill people, from her emotional torment it seems she isn’t very keen on getting revenge for what happened in the past, she knows well no one of the now king’s family is the reason of her past torment. It also seems she dosen’t hate the royal family that much either.

  5. Now, they both know their real identities at least the crown prince will know in the next episode. It seems that they will part their ways in the next episode as well.

    Back to Mr Choi, somehow, we now know why he became the way he is judging by his back story with QD

  6. ahhh the eyes and brows of the one helping them in the begining look like it was the guy from FL family, the one whos her half brother, and that she doesnt allowed to call him oraboeni… i rly hope hes a good guy

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