17 Comments to “Missing Crown Prince (2024) Episode 3

  1. This drama is just too lame, ruined for me. The king should have killed that queen by now as they used to in those days. There’s no way she would ever be so fearless.

  2. I knew it!!!!
    Some parts of plot are feeling a bit sloppy… like bro was literally stabbed and he’s able to walk, the body guard of the crown prince is a bit too useless, and the king is way too easily manipulated when he can literally have anyone killed and make it look like an accident. Also (I might have missed it) why are they all keeping the Queen Dowager affair a secret?

  3. just finished.. so my suspicions came true… damn i really hoped it wont be.. also what the problme of them being lovers… as far as shown he doesnt have a wife and she is single too.. she should not go to such lenghts to kill so many ppl, she can just bribe them OR MAYBE HES PLAYING THE DOWGDER QUEEN AND HAS SOME WEIRD PLAN… him listening the the fate reader is concerning.. i guess his mistake was not to pursue his love with the high queen

  4. So i knew it from the start
    My guess was right. I guessed it from ep 1
    The lover!!!!!!! Father!!!!! ??

  5. its really silly how 2nd prince is making a joke of her being a physician by feigning sick and trying cut in front of people who are actually sick or injured.

  6. so her lover\son really died? i for sure thought she would frame someone else to keep him safe or whatever

  7. These kdramas are getting crazier these days.
    There were dramas with cousins, step siblings getting romance lines being main leads, but with this one might be blood related aunt and nephew?? Am I interpreting it right?

  8. Another useless and helpless Crown prince. And his bodyguard is the same. Such a joke? Battle between the king and Dowager Queen? What power she has? He can just kill her for attacking the CP.

  9. the dowger is so weird, she aint married to anyone, who cares what she does in secret. she could have just bribed the prince or appealed to his emoition instead trying to kill him just cuz she wants to have some fun in bed XD

    AND WHAT SHE MEANS ABOUT “IN THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN PROTECT HIM” does she talks about her lover or the king

  10. Do you guys recommend I watch this kdrana? keeping in mind that I don’t like too much politics in historic kdramas and mostly just want romance

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