25 Comments to “Midnight Photo Studio (2024) Episode 11

  1. The wife should have just divorced him instead of cheating. Yeah so she was tired of waiting, then just leave him. Cheating just because your husband has a tough job and a flower guy is giving you attention so just jump of the flower guy. Yeah no, no sympathies. If you have divorce papers ready so just wait for divorce then go jump on the flower guy not before that.

  2. Detective wife had divorce paper ready which means she is over husband but she end her affair when her husband died but she still wants to be with flower guy that’s why she still have his number even when she said that their relationship is over. She just feeling guilty.But, now she feel present of her dead husbannd she will feel more guilty and she will finally Express her feelings. And, husband will forgive her and let her go. But, I kinda feel wife lover to be obessed person like stalker.
    And, I don’t really their kinda lonely love affair story.

  3. Seong Ho and Ji Won are the best! They’re so cute!
    Hope Ki Joo won’t die. Hang in there!

  4. Koeran and Japanese writer always make us to justify affair as fair and sometime evil.
    Here, she knew her husband will busy and willnot have time all time. But, she still want to marry him. She should have confronts him one time but she never did.she didnt even Express her needs to husband ,she just waiting forr. Husband to look for her .she also never complain about her loneliness. She smiled infront of her husband.Even ,her lover was justifying it fair,and manipulating her mind. if he also had job like his lover husband then he would know.but, writer Is making wife affair as emotionally fair making husbannd bad. She was totally wrong that her husband always let her alone and she found new. All this excuses only makes her husband more miserable .Husband and wife will have final talk at studio .And, he will let her go to flower guy. She will still knew her sins.

  5. THE WIFE IS WRONG. I don’t agree with the wife, at all. Yes she was lonely, NOT AN EXCUSE FOR INFIDELITY.
    Its clear that she didn’t ONCE talk to her husband about how she felt. She didn’t want to disturb him, she wasn’t selfish with him because of his work? All excuses. She was sick yes, but did she even TRY to talk to her husband, she never called him first, the reaction of any normal couple would be to tell your partner you’re in the ER, not stay there in silence with another random guy.
    Her mistake was having an affair without divorcing him, her mistake was not talking to her husband about what she was facing despite knowing that he would try to change because he loved her wand wanted their marriage to work.
    She didn’t express her feelings, how was he supposed to know? He loved her a lot, he was a workaholic, but even then, the day he died, he promised her they’d go out for dinner. He was tried because of his job but still went on dates with her, which he should admittedly, I’m just saying he cared. She did suffer because of his death, but hearing her justify herself is pathetic considering she didnt talk to her husband once, it even sounded like it she made it his fault more that hers. Not cool.

  6. so stingy with the time, they could have left more time between the first and second photos, so that the deceased can spend more time with loved ones. did they ever explain how much time in between photos?

  7. Oh dang this ending! i suspected it was the uncle who was the mystery guy there w her, but wow. Its really a twist. The uncle died trying to save her. And That guy has a lot of blood on him w all those deaths. The cases, they r, it’s all connected. The ghost’s story had me tearing up too. ?< /spoiler> ah this preview does not look good. ??hes going to be in a coma ? Or a near death experience, in which he meets his uncle, maybe.

  8. Wow! They are really all connected!

    Of course I was crying with the visitor’s last moments…This drama always makes me cry…

    Detective Baek and his wife’s story…I won’t justify her actions coz that is still an affair and Detective Baek neglected his wife…hmmm let me just say I understand…at least she tried to end her marriage…and I think also her affair…she just wanted to be not lonely anymore.

  9. the OSTs in this drama really needs a Grand Award,
    Especially the one they play when he is about to take the picture, I really dont like the way i’m crying every damn time at those scences, it never misses no matter how prepared I am

  10. Don’t forget that Lee Hyeon oh is not the only bad guy here. Remember the evil spirit who consumed the stalker spirit? He been around quite a few time, trying to kill the ML. I can bet he have connection with the tunnel incident too. The evil spirit probably possessed the driver and kill the FL’s family and the uncle.

  11. Can I just say that this drama may not get you all excited, but it’s beautifully written. Need that superstition OST to release already.

  12. andwae!!!! all 3 of them will bid goodbye? Deputy Go will have his last photo with Ji won..
    Mr. Baek will finally accept that he needs to leave for his wife to move on…
    Seo ki joo and han bom will not be able to break the curse.????????
    There’s still 5 episodes left… and they still didn’t find anyway to kill the evil spirit plus they’re still solving the case…. what heartbreaking moment can happen more? ??????

  13. I’m used to see these 12 epi dramas, that I can’t imagine what will happenin the following 5 episodes?

  14. My heart starts beating rapidly as Bom’s revelation of the uncle’s death.

    So the biggest villain of this series is Lee Hyeon Oh who has a lot of blood on his hands.

    Also I wonder why Janglin Tunnel was closed off just from the car accident. ? It should be closed for investigation after the accident, but that was years ago.

  15. Aigoo yah Ki Joo nim? “safe person” seriously?? I think she wanted u to call her “Uri Jagi“??

    Yoon Cheol was still a filial son , bro.. gosh I teared up so much at the mom’s reaction..??? this make me miss my own parents very much..?

  16. She really tried her very best to make it work but she run out of patience in the end and i understand her…. Not to justify her cheating but the fact that she was sick to the point of going to ER and her husband never knew or noticed when she was sick.. ???

  17. Lat year it was all about marriage
    The previous year it was all about breakup
    This year it’s all bout death.

    They are all working together and chose the most heartbreaking content of the year. I think they have a secret kdrama writers’ society to discuss about their new contents each year and they all release the same contents together.

  18. Why does the writer make us cry every single week ? WHEY WHEY WHEY

  19. But if we really got the moments to spend with our loved ones.. I will not not be able to move on???

  20. So the paper needs to burn first before the ghost can see it. But detective and office worker ghosts was able to see papers and grab things without those things being burned first.

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