12 Comments to “Doom at Your Service (2021) Episode 12

  1. Yes, wow wow. Bo young you have made me fall in love with you once again. You are one brilliant actress!

  2. This drama is LITERALLY making me sob. Like excuse….writer if you don’t give them a happy ending I’m really gonna lose it this time. Like fr dude why tf is thier fate so complicated like no. I just want them to live happily ever after that’s it. Like just look at this fact fate hates them but fate also bought them together again. And about the second leads love triangle as you know I’m team Mr.cha without any doubt the thing is I think that Hyun kyu is not bad but not good for Ji na cause I don’t think after all these years thier relationship is gonna workout well . And Mr.cha gosh that man really flutters my heart with every single word that he says.

  3. This episode was a little boring, they were basically doing the same thing (getting to know each other and arguing) they did in the couple first episodes. I’m loving how Ji Na is realizing that she doesn’t actually like Hyun Gyu anymore, I just can’t wait for her and Joo Ik to be together.

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