Dead Friend Forever – DFF (2023) Episode 4

8 Comments to “Dead Friend Forever – DFF (2023) Episode 4

  1. I don’t trust Fluke. Not because I think he’s behind any of the killings but because his actions are always calculating and what keeps him safe (but in a selfish way, knowing what he knows about what happened to Non). This man is really gonna disregard the Hippocratic Oath as he sees fit. (Yes even though he’s not a doctor yet, he is being one temporarily, so yeah, Fluke’s really forgotten the “Do No Harm”).

  2. What if … when someone wears the mask it turns them into a killer or a potential one. Because we know for sure Top was never the masked one or one of the two ‘original’ masked people.

  3. the only thing im worried about rn is jin and phee they’re locked inside that fucking temple not just any temple but a psycho killers temple

  4. I’m really not sure if this is fantasy or just a complex revenge plan. I was sure it wasn’t a ghost thing when the masked killer had to ride a motorbike, but then the possession made me think it’s actually fantasy? Unless Top is not really possessed or controlled which I think is a huge plot twist if true.

    Anyway, most of the characters are so stupid and refuses to use their braincells, so I decided to not use my braincells as well. I gave up trying to decipher what happened, and I will just wait for the revelations as the show goes on. lol.

  5. I’m still figuring this out. Top was with Tee seeing uncle Keng’s head sliced off. Then Top turned out to be the masked person. It seemed Top was possessed when pulling the stake out of Por.
    What’s really going on there in the woods!? ??‍♂️

  6. Interesting, was that a translation error or a slip-up from fluke? he said ‘there are lots of dead people here’.

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