Dead Friend Forever – DFF (2023) Episode 11

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27 Comments to “Dead Friend Forever – DFF (2023) Episode 11

  1. My thoughts so far as there is alot that went on in this episode:
    1)There is always two sides to a coin, whether people agree or not , such is life!!
    2)Do I believe that Tee should be forgiven due to his horrible life and lack of family support – NO!But death is not the answer – its all but to easy to end it! To live the guilt and in seeking forgiveness is the truest form of revenge I want from everyone , including Jin!!
    3)The most innocent looking ones are the real evil- what he did just escalated everything to the depth of its hell and was the final piece in ruining NON’s life !!
    4)Words carry way more weight that people realise and Phee has to live with that~~

    The story is such a breath of fresh air in the BL world. I am a 100% invested !

  2. Episode 11:I still think Tee is responsible for Non’s death, if we think about it all of them are responsible except Tee’s boyfriend for Non’s tragedy. Jin filmed and posted the video, tee and the other one accused him of breaking the camera, their silence killed Non’s parents, they were imperfect but they died because of their silence…do they deserve what New has prepared for them no, however they should be judged for their actions

  3. Oh dear. What a crazy episode it was. At this point, I don’t expect anyone to survive. I have a theory. Non played dead to get out of his situation that he was in. That is what his letter meant I think. I honestly want several characters to live at this point. However I know that not everyone is. I want Jin, White, Phee, Tee, and Non’s brother to live. Now yes, Tee has done some really messed up things, but I think it is because he hasn’t had proper guidance from anyone. His father is crazy, probably psychotic, his uncle is money and power hungry, and well he just has a crappy family. I know it doesn’t excuse his actions, but with a awful situation that he is in, I honestly can’t blame the guy 100%. Jin did that one messed up thing about leaking the video of the teacher and Non. Otherwise Jin is a pretty good guy I think. Phee seems to be like a genuine person as well though he did tell Non to go and kill himself because he was betrayed that Non cheated on him with the teacher, Mr. Kang. White had no part in any of this so I feel really bad for him. As for Non’s brother, well I don’t really know enough about him to judge, but he seems kinda crazy for revenge. I know sadness and rage can cloud a person’s mind and prevent them from thinking clearly though. I am curious to see what happens in the next episode. I think for the rest of the people, I don’t really care whether they live or die.

  4. I get that everyone aside from White did something bad but I don’t think that they deserve to die, they do deserve to be punsihed but I feel like death is to much.
    Also I feel so bad for White, I hope he survives.

  5. There might be repetitions (if I mentioned any of this previously) but these are my stances on the show.

    1. I don’t want them to die. Death is far too easy. Let them be alive and suffering.

    2. I understand why Tan/New and Phee have taken different stances. I also understand the need for Tan/New to just go all out because ‘everyone’ in his family is dead and he has nothing to lose.

    3. However if New dies also, the family is just going to be an afterthought in years to come except for those who would grieve the other deaths. I want the brothers to live and not suffer anymore

    4. Non, New and their parents suffered/eventually suffered from mental health issues whether depression or some specific type. I don’t want the endgame to be – well if you suffer from mental health problems your life is suddenly over because you can’t get help.

    5. Personally I don’t think showing Tee’s backstory was to really let us garner sympathy for him… well maybe.. partially. But it’s to show that even if your life is hard and even if you try to rectify the problem you cause, even if life gives you a chance at happiness that isn’t going to protect you when the truth is revealed, especially the way that it was. And it was revealed like that because Tee lied and kept Non’s condition a secret, especially from others who knew him.

    6. Non thinking his parents didn’t love him made me really sad. Unfortunately it’s only when they thought they had lost him then they realized the weight of their words. However that is all on them, not on Non.

    7. Also putting this in – Non never cheated. He was a minor who was groomed and SA’d by his tutor. Actually the show made it clear this episode that he was taken advantage of by Keng.

    8. I still want Non to be alive. My boy can’t just d-word offscreenville like that.

  6. March 3, 2024 (7:57 PM)
    ☑️Dead Friend Forever (DFF), Episode 11
    The first few minutes scene between Tee and Non, appeared to be interesting to me… They look good together if they will be paired up in another series… About Tee’s character… He was also a victim of the situations, the only bad thing for him is he dragged Non to this mess. Non was struggling in class because he has no friends, in his family, the parents recognized/praised only New (a.k.a. Tan)… What Tee done to him added to his burden… The only good thing that comes with him is having Phee… But due to lack of communication, instead of confiding with his boyfriend, Non confided to his teacher which caused him another dilemma…

  7. You guys are not saying it but I feel really bad for White. If he actually survives this, He will be scarred for life all because he fell in love.

  8. I am so sad for White. He didn’t even wanna go there in the first place and now is probably traumatized for life (if he survives)

  9. Some people in the comments are irritated cause their reasons to wish for everyone’s’ death are decreasing XD

    Last episode they were like

    -Jin didn’t even ask about Non when Tee dragged him (This episode: he did until the very end)

    -All of them went on with their lives as if nothing happened (This episode: Tee did change because of Non and he did in fact try to help him, and when he couldn’t his life was never the same)

    But they cherry on top for me was New telling Phee “You’re a slut! you never loved Non” for finding a lover after more than 3 years… Dude! Your own brother was cheating on Phee when he was with Phee….???!?

    With that being said…

    I really wish Non was alive, and NOT for a stupid revenge, but to actually LIVE a normal happy life after all the struggles he had faced.

  10. If Non is really dead , then the appearances made by him in the next episode are due to hallucinations of the guys because they inhaled the smoke from Tan right.

  11. At the rate the story is going…. Story telling and plot wise, plus seeing as we seem to have more questions as opposed to answers when new perspectives are revealed, makes me think of two possibilities.

    1. We are going to get a cliffhanger leaving us in suspense for a season 2
    2. We are going to get a cliffhanger or bittersweet ending, but then probably get a special – either a movie or episode just to wrap things up.

    Either way, I am truly finding it hard to see just HOW they will conclude this with one more episode left… ESPECIALLY since new questions are now being proposed as certain sequence of events.

  12. Why do I feel like the 12th/final episode is gonna be rushed? Or will there be a special episode? ? I don’t know if 1 episode is enough to wrap up, especially since they just dedicated almost 1 full episode for Tee alone. ?

    Also, why do I feel like Tan is gonna die?

    I guess that’s better than him in a prison.

    Still life’s been unfair to him and Non. What’s even next after finding out the truth? If anyone says justice, I’m just gonna laugh.

  13. I just want to say, if this was a normal school romcom genre, I would have been gushing and blushing over Tee and White’s chemistry.

    This is a whole episode dedicated to Tee. Writer team is probably aware that he’s No. 1 in people’s kill list.

    Pitiful life he had. Truly felt sorry for him and his own circumstances. And we’ve seen him try to repent and redeem himself. Unfortunately, I don’t think it changed people’s opinion that much.

    Whatever regret, guilt, or sorry feelings he had, as well as whatever attempts he tried to make up to his mistakes, are unfortunately a little too late, and maybe even hypocritical.

    Sad. He did not deserve to have a life like that at a young age.

    But so did Non. And Non’s the one not breathing anymore.

  14. Againnnnnnn with them showing Non still wearing the red thread bracelet ?. Being at his lowest and subjected to all that torture. Was he still hoping for Phee to save? Or was his love for Phee the only thing that kept him going? ???
    And when he finally passed( if he is), did he hope that the red thread will lead him back to Phee????
    I choked up so much this ep???. Non just wanted to get through high school and make friends?. Was that too much to ask for?

    They all seriously broke him and took his life too?????.
    And I am seriously not okay ??????

    Tee has no excuse and I give no shxts about his sob story either. I DETEST HIM SOOOO DUCKING MUCH ?. I need him to seriously suffer just as much as Non did. For each bruise, mark, pain and tear.
    TEE, NON IS NOT YOUR FUXKING FRIEND??. Do none of these mf know the meaning of friendship??
    And F any redemption arc.

    As for Phee, I will AGAIN NEVER FORGIVE YOU. And Ur not even worth me commenting on at this point?.

    Tan pushing Jin a$$ out the way was deserved and funny???. Like know your place mitch.
    Tan baby just do what you need to do.

  15. if i lost my whole family tragically that way nd i was dead set on revenge not caring if i lived or not.. oh we alllll going down ??

  16. Hope this eats them up alive nd they never get any peace. Especially Top if he hasnt died yet

  17. New just set the whole place on fire nd drag White out. None of them deserve to live a happy life..? ill be deranged f it.

  18. One thing about watching this show is that it’s okay to take a stance and be like “This is the hill I’m going to d*e on”. Plus it’s also valid if others take a completely different one. But, like calling someone ‘deranged’ because they want a whole plotline of a revenge massacre isn’t it, it’s just how they relate to the story. I’ve seen comments like that elsewhere.

    But it’s also valid to take a stance where you want justice, you understand how both sides might go about getting that justice. Let’s take New/Tan for example. New lost everything. His future and his family. So yes he wants every one of them to pay. Ironically Tan calls Phee a sl*t for getting into a consensual relationship with Jin (that Tan was okay with Phee sleeping with Jin once he didn’t catch feelings). Turns out he didn’t understand that Phee’s a guy who leads a lot with his emotions. Meanwhile his own brother was called the same when his teacher SA’d him. I’m not a PheeJin fan and I see the kind of damage those words also did to Non as well so I don’t think saying that was ever justified. However Tan going off the deep end and wanting to ruin everybody is pretty understandable. However he is going to ruin himself in the process and I don’t want that for him.

    But I also understand Phee. His plan was to just find out the truth without even getting anyone killed because he even asked Tan beforehand. There’s a bit of narrative in ep 10 that’s still a bit odd to me but the show hasn’t addressed it and I’m not going to stress out about it. Phee feels guilty over Non but he isn’t going to murder people over it.

    Okay I lied, I am going to stress out a bit about ep 10. If Phee knew/assumed since branch trap and wire trap that Tan was involved and somehow knew Top was under the mask then why did he not say anything while they were being attacked. That’s just weird to me.

    With this in mind we have to understand that characters are complex and yet not excuse their actions especially when it’s used to hurt an innocent person.

    I sympathize with Tee not having any real support system to help him and his father, since his uncle is both a gaslighter and exploitative. I don’t see it as justification for how he treated Non but I saw him as genuinely trying to make amends. But certain actions like the Keng and Non photoshop wasn’t really the right call because if he was only able to get Non the right kind of help then maybe things would’ve been better. But what can a 16-17 year old do when he’s up against a whole criminal boss and his gang. But even so, as Tee gets his happiness with White it wouldn’t have been long till his past wrongs came back to haunt him. Tee was (in the pre release) walking up the stairs to get to White because White was goodness to him and he thought he could leave that part of his life behind him but when the truth came out, he stumbles back further than he was before.

  19. So, this is a public space & nothing big for the plot… but I couldn’t help to notice…

    that these stairs at the pc room are the same stairs…

    where Phee and Non shared what seemed to be their first kiss…

    and they made Tee and White share theirs on the same spot. ?

    Today’s episode had Tee’s version of events. Good luck trying to convince us. ?

    They made us see what truly happened to Non after he was taken to that hellhole. For a tiny lil bit of % given Tee’s tough life the fact that he tried taking accountability for the course of his actions, taking jobs & helping Non paying his debt. Naive of him to consider his uncle wouldn’t be scheming for more… nevertheless it makes Tee better than others in the group who hadn’t held theirs. Top is a total POS. ? Keeping his mouth shut until the very end, when he was the one breaking that camera. Then Tee had to make them all believe in the lie, and once again Top f**** it all up and blows things out of proportion because of his big mouth. To tell the truth is useless and tight, to spread gossips is wide open ? I swear Top needs a beating, hope he is not ? yet and has some hallucinations while he at it.

    It’s made for us to try to understand Tee’s p.o.v and the motive behind his actions. ? Still, I stand, with the fault falls on mostly everyone in different portions. No one is truly a saint here, but some have stronger motives and heavier guilt than others in their actions or lack of those. Tee felt his unlike some, and tried to cope with it. It does not excuse by any means, what he has done. ? He could come forward and tell the truth on who actually broke the camera, instead he was the one covering that incident up, he knew well how shady the business he is in is, and yet he brought Non to it like a Knight in a shining armor at the time… he tried to spare Non and help him and yet he saw how Non’s health was debilitating the more time he spent in there. While others working in there get to go home, Non was held there for weeks and his wounds were getting worse and not healing…

    The fact that they try to sell his romantic plot with White AFTER that scene with Non irks me A LOT. ? This love story part could’ve been shown in the early episodes, and with the events of this episode it would connect dots. Not now and after that aftermath. This only shows what he robbed Non of. The same kid who thought he deserved nothing, and despite having to deal with a group who hated him had a a chance to work on his dream & at the same time had found love, until the circumstances led to desperate choices & tragedies.

    The fact that the director himself said DFF is not a romance, it’s not for the ships but it is more for the plot and thriller ? and then they make this parallels in-between scenes and characters… What did White fell for in there? He suddenly pops up at that very same place, one day minding his own business. Sees a brooding looking dude sitting and thinks of look it’s the love of my life. ? I was hoping he would be THE plot twist we all need.

    Tan/New has lost his sanity. He is down for blood, sweat & tears. No wonder after he heard from Tee what Non went through. After losing everyone and everything New has reached a point of no return. But so did all the others when they made the choice of keeping the lies and charade up as if they hadn’t anything to do with it.

    Next week they all be hallucinating and invoking their wildest fears. Fluke fears to be the culprit, Jin probably fears to go through the same thing as Non did and be filmed and exposed, Top if still hasn’t gone to hell is probably falling like that broken camera, White seems to fear having some source of disease of STD, I wonder what Tee fears the most? Losing White, maybe. While Phee fears that his last words to Non were turn into reality.

    PS: call me delulu but when they carry him like that without even closing the bag ? I mean here I am hoping Non is still alive and kicking. The intentions of the uncle was to sell him at first, what if he did? Non was in bad shape though… The uncle is ? in the present. What if someone interceded before Non was traded? There seemed to be some undercover agents eyeing the business before, and Keng seemed to be “helping” maybe he owed a favor, because no way someone with morals would do what he did to a student… One more episode to find out, but to think that Non could end up like he did, it’s heartbreaking, lonely & miserable ??? the paper and his last written words… ?

  20. The only good out of this episode for me is seeing how White got involved with Tee.

    Tee’s back story does not lessen my hatred for him. I mean how could he did that to Non when his family situation is not that well off. He cried to his dad that he wants too be a normal kid going to school with friends. Yeah right, he robbed Non of that same happiness he wished for himself.

    Though White may have changed him he should’ve come clean, report his uncle to the authority, and end his friendship with that bastard Top.

    At this point, I dearly hope no one else will be killed. I especially do not want Phee to continue fall victim to New’s hatred of those guys and hurt anyone. He should be sensible for he is the son of a policeman.

    As for New, he got the truth he needed. Avenging by killing the bullies would not bring back his family. Lets just stop.

  21. Direct acknowledgement that Keng was a tutor who fooled his student and is f*cking evil. I was worried that the show wouldn’t address it directly like that. Surprisingly Non’s bully actually realized that. It doesn’t absolve Por at all but if only netizens could understand that too.

  22. Me: *does not see Non’s de*d body in past episodes* My boy’s alive.

    Me: *sees him alive in the flashbacks* See! Still alive.

    Me: *sees him unconscious. Criminal boss says he’s de*d* I don’t trust this. How did he d*e?

    I’m not leaving this clown car. *seatbelt on*

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