7 Days Before Valentine (2023) Episode 11

6 Comments to “7 Days Before Valentine (2023) Episode 11

  1. I thought this would be the last episode, I am glad that they didn’t rush the end. Nice episode, I am waiting to see the new Q next day, hehe, I hope he remember Sunshine..

  2. It’s great to finally hear Q’s backstory. I just knew from the somber tone of his voice and words that it would be heartbreaking. Sure enough, when he finally went to see his dying father after 7 years, my heart dropped to the floor as my tears start to flow. Q and his father’s story resembles parts of Daedalus and Icarus story except Q’s father encouraged him to go further, succeed and be happy. Also, Q returned to his father where as Icarus never went back (spoiler, lol) because he drowned. Our Icarus (Q) is as closest to a Sun as he’ll ever get here, lol… So good! Apparently, Q went through the same thing (with a candle reaper) he put Sun through by granting his wishes as the cupid reaper. I think by relighting the candle, Q was cast from grace and denied Heaven. Anyway, I hope it shows who’s candle he re-lit next episode, and may his father rest in peace. Again, interesting, poetic and clever conversations between Sun/Q, sealed with a last minute, passionate, deep first/farewell(?) kiss. Sweet! Please don’t let this be their farewell. Please don’t let Q be just another candle in the wind. Have mercy and show some compassion for my Sunshine’s heart. That is all I ask for, lol.. The best part of finally coming home on Wednesdays, after what it feels like forever at work, is watching this series. I’m sad thinking about it, but I look forward to next week’s finale. Make it miraculous by divine, oops, I mean, by design, lol. Great penultimate episode. Love it! Happy Thursday/February! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 🙂

  3. Well I’m glad I stuck with this cuz Q’s background story did not disappoint. Dang bro. Yall noticed there was no talk of resetting for his soooo 6 people just straight up…? Crazy. I’m guessing the person whose candle he relit was Sunshine’s?!? The ‘wind’ blew it out but he relit it and gave the person a second chance so it could work. That would be so awesome!?

    Really enjoyed this episode?? It should have been a shorter series though. The first couple episodes and the last couple were great. A good few of those middle ones could have been condensed and combined.

    This is one of those times I’d be fine without a ‘happy’ ending. Honestly they could have ended the series at this episode in my opinion. I teared up when Sun released him from the suffering? Since there’s one more though and we had talks of Q being Sun’s future, we will see.

  4. Sunshine matured in the scope of 7 days, gone the self centered Sunshine. He even listened and sympathized with Q’s sad past.

    ? That last wish and their first & last kiss ? ?

    ? Then bang ? the cliffhanger.

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